Adorable Sea Otters
This year I went to a sleepover at the Aquarium of the Pacific. I saw lots of cool animals but the sea otters caught my attention the most. I did some research on them and the facts surprised me a lot! Aquarium Facts At the Aquarium I learned a lot of epic things. An amazing fact is that if you make a circle with your pointer finger and your thumb, that has about 1 million otter hairs/fur! That is because where the otter’s regular habitat is, it is very cold. Also sea otters have this much fur because they do not have any blubber. By observing my friends and I noticed that the otters spend lots of time outside the water, but when they are in the water they are very playful. Also I saw that otters like to play with other otters. Research Facts According to my research sea otters can live their whole life in the water! A very cool fact is that to prevent otters drifting away they hold each other’s paws. They also sometimes wrap themselves in seaweed to prevent flo...