
Showing posts from January, 2020

Adorable Sea Otters

This year I went to a sleepover at the Aquarium of the Pacific. I saw lots of cool animals but the sea otters caught my attention the most. I did some research on them and the facts surprised me a lot! Aquarium Facts At the Aquarium I learned a lot of epic things. An amazing fact is that if you make a circle with your pointer finger and your thumb, that has about 1 million otter hairs/fur! That is because where the otter’s regular habitat is, it is very cold. Also sea otters have this much fur because they do not have any blubber.   By observing my friends and I noticed that the otters spend lots of time outside the water, but when they are in the water they are very playful. Also I saw that otters like to play with other otters. Research Facts According to my research sea otters can live their whole life in the water! A very cool fact is that to prevent otters drifting away they hold each other’s paws. They also sometimes wrap themselves in seaweed to prevent flo...

My Adventure as A Conflict Mediator

At my school we have a program called Conflict Mediator. I am in the conflict mediator program! It is a lot of fun and I learned how to solve conflict the right way. The Conflict Mediator program is when a group of students (including me) are trained for 8-10 days, 1 day per week. Then after we finish training we will take a test to see if we learned the skills and things needed. Ms. White is the school counselor and the head of the Conflict Mediator program. She also taught us the skills we needed and she was the person who trained us. After that, Ms. White arranged an end of training party and she gave us pizza, juice, and chips. We also got our test back and stayed inside her room to play board games during recess. After winter break we started our shifts as a real conflict Mediator. My shift is with Sofia on Tuesdays. I wanted to be a Conflict Mediator in the beginning because it could help me in my future. It could also teach me a lesson the will always be helpful. I...

Palm Springs Trip

My family and I have just recently been to Palm Springs for a vacation. It was a lot of fun spending time with my family. We went on New Year’s day and came back on Saturday, 1/4/2020. We stayed at a hotel called Renaissance Hotel. I really liked Renaissance hotel. They have a pool, fire place, bar, colored floor, and cool couches. I rate this hotel a 9 because it is expensive there and also don’t provide breakfast. On the day we got there, we went to the outlet and swam in the pool. The next day, we took the tram to the mountains and played in snow. The day after day, we went to the Palm Dessert Zoo. On the day we left, we went on a hiking trail and stop by the outlet again. The mountains were lots of fun, but we had to wait two hours to ride the tram. My sister and I went sledding and had so much fun. When we got back to the hotel, my sister and I went into the hot tub. The next day, when we went to the zoo, we saw many cool animals. We saw camels, zebras, giraf...

My 2020 New Year Resolutions

2019 has just passed and it is now 2020! I am going to go over my 2019 resolutions and tell you my new 2020 resolutions. My first 2019 resolution was to reach the level Axel in ice skating. Yes, I did reach this level! Axel is also the highest level in skating school and after that it all depends on your private coach. My second 2019 resolution was to not fight with my sister Yanna as much. No, we are not doing better at all. But I said I would not be mean and start the fight but now it is mostly Yanna that starts them. So I did do what I said I would do but we still fight a lot (at least 3 times a day). My last 2019 resolution was to watch less tablet, TV, and phone. I think I am doing a little better because I can usually stop   and use self control but if not my mom will tell me and I should stop right away or after about 1-3 minutes. My first 2020 resolution is to pass my preliminary MIF (moves in the field) test and work on my pre juvenile test in ice skating (...