My Adventure as A Conflict Mediator

At my school we have a program called Conflict Mediator. I am in the conflict mediator program! It is a lot of fun and I learned how to solve conflict the right way.

The Conflict Mediator program is when a group of students (including me) are trained for 8-10 days, 1 day per week. Then after we finish training we will take a test to see if we learned the skills and things needed. Ms. White is the school counselor and the head of the Conflict Mediator program. She also taught us the skills we needed and she was the person who trained us. After that, Ms. White arranged an end of training party and she gave us pizza, juice, and chips. We also got our test back and stayed inside her room to play board games during recess. After winter break we started our shifts as a real conflict Mediator. My shift is with Sofia on Tuesdays.

I wanted to be a Conflict Mediator in the beginning because it could help me in my future. It could also teach me a lesson the will always be helpful.

I have learned a lot during training including the steps to solve a conflict. I have also learned how to work together as partners and how to cooperate together.

Now that I learned how to solve conflict the right way I can hopefully not fight with my sister as much or I can stay calm and not fight with her. I can also not fight with my friends by doing the same thing.

In my opinion Conflict mediating is really fun and helpful. It is fun because I get to help kids and I learn something for myself. I only wish that my partner and I could help a lower grade and not 3rd and 4th grade, because I am only in 4th grade so I am basically helping kids the same age as me.


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