
Showing posts from April, 2018

My School Science Project - Volcano

I am going to write about my school project of a volcano. My team members of my school project are Jeffery, Kyle, Brennan, Priscilla, and me. I hope you will like my story of my project.  I bough 4 supplies to make my project. I bought my supplies from Michael's and the supplies were really good quality. On my project we have to have our name, group name, our project and an index card that explains how we made it and what material is used. For my project I used glue, cardboard, cardboard tubes, tape, green paper and clay. I used clay in stead of play dough because my mom told me when play dough drys up it cracks, and clay does not crack.  My Mom and Dad both helped me on my volcano. From a scale 1 to 10 for hardness I would give it a 7 because it was a little hard. We have to turn our projects in on Monday April 30, 2018. This is how I made my project. First, I glued on green paper onto cardboard. Next, my Mom cut out a hole to put my palm tree trunk in. Then I cut out...

Car Racing

On Sunday, 4/15, I went to watch a fun car race with my Dad and with my family friends Carl and Chenen. The car race was really fun. Let me tell you about my trip. The car race was in Long Beach. We went to the car race on Sunday, April 15th, 2018. The real name of the car race is called Toyota Grand Prix. When we watched the race Alexander Rossi got first place. I also went to this car race in 2015 with my Dad, Mom and little sister Yanna. We went there because we all worked hard so now we get to play hard. We saw a few accidents. For example, a car crashed into the wall, a car crashed into another care, and the cars broke down and had smoke coming out of the car. When the racers had a break we saw people in parachutes landing on the race track. For lunch, I had a hot dog and my Dad had a turkey leg. My Dad bought me a huge bag on cotton Candy, a big bag of popcorn and shaved ice.  There were a lot of fun activities. For example, make your own bus,  piggy bank and spinn...

Facts About Tiger

I would like to share some interesting tiger facts with you. I got the idea because I was born in the Tiger year and I wrote about tigers for my project with Eljah Abdar-Raheam. Now I am going to share some interesting tiger facts with you. Today tigers may only be found on the territory of 14 countries. Most tigers are found in Asia. Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Siberian, Sumatran, and South China tigers belong to the list of surviving species. A tiger is the largest cat on Earth. Adult male tigers are 8.2-13ft and adult female tigers are 6.6-9ft. Tigers are mammals which means they are warm blooded and feed milk to their babies. Tigers are also carnivals which means they eat meat. Tigers are predates which means they eat other animals and are at the top of the food chain. Tigers eat other animals such as buffalo, deer, wild pigs, monkey, wild bore, lizards, and sometimes porcupines. They travel many miles to find their prey and tigers stock their prey. Tigers live on their own...

If I were a Fairy

I would like to share my if I were a fairy dream with you. I read a lot of fairy chapter books and that interested me to write about this topic. If I were a fairy, I would make a lot of fairy friends to play with. I would also do flips in the sky and flutter around in the sky like a butterfly in the sky. I will also chase butterflies all around. I would also build Lego with my friends. I would love to do fun arts and crafts with other fairies too. My favorite dessert would be cupcakes. I would eat a lot of cupcakes. I would also eat a lot of candy. In fairy school I would like to learn as much as I can. When I get home from fairy school, I would practice math, do my homework, read a lot of books, and study my spelling words. After I do all my homework, I would go outside and play games, play indoor games, watch TV and tablet, draw beautiful pictures, play with my fairy friends, play with my stuffed animals and jump on my trampoline. After I play some fun things, I would eat, brush te...