My School Science Project - Volcano

I am going to write about my school project of a volcano. My team members of my school project are Jeffery, Kyle, Brennan, Priscilla, and me. I hope you will like my story of my project.

 I bough 4 supplies to make my project. I bought my supplies from Michael's and the supplies were really good quality. On my project we have to have our name, group name, our project and an index card that explains how we made it and what material is used. For my project I used glue, cardboard, cardboard tubes, tape, green paper and clay. I used clay in stead of play dough because my mom told me when play dough drys up it cracks, and clay does not crack. 

My Mom and Dad both helped me on my volcano. From a scale 1 to 10 for hardness I would give it a 7 because it was a little hard. We have to turn our projects in on Monday April 30, 2018. This is how I made my project. First, I glued on green paper onto cardboard. Next, my Mom cut out a hole to put my palm tree trunk in. Then I cut out leaves for my project. After that my Mom cut out a hole to put something to help hold up the volcano. Last  I used clay to make the volcano. 

In my opinion my project was fun, it turned out good and I like it. 

I wanted my volcano to be at least as taller than the palm tree but it turned out shorter than my palm tree. 

As you can see my project turned out good and I want to let you know that some things are harder than you think they are.I though this project would be easy but it turned out to be hard.


  1. Your volcano project was amazing and I could see you put in a lot of time and hard work. You did a great job and congratulations on earning a 4 on your project. I'm glad you enjoyed the Earth Event group project.

    Ms. Ishida


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