Car Racing

On Sunday, 4/15, I went to watch a fun car race with my Dad and with my family friends Carl and Chenen. The car race was really fun. Let me tell you about my trip.

The car race was in Long Beach. We went to the car race on Sunday, April 15th, 2018. The real name of the car race is called Toyota Grand Prix. When we watched the race Alexander Rossi got first place. I also went to this car race in 2015 with my Dad, Mom and little sister Yanna.

We went there because we all worked hard so now we get to play hard. We saw a few accidents. For example, a car crashed into the wall, a car crashed into another care, and the cars broke down and had smoke coming out of the car.

When the racers had a break we saw people in parachutes landing on the race track. For lunch, I had a hot dog and my Dad had a turkey leg. My Dad bought me a huge bag on cotton Candy, a big bag of popcorn and shaved ice.  There were a lot of fun activities. For example, make your own bus,  piggy bank and spinning a wheel and wining a price.

In my opinion the car race was really fun and the food was good. We had a really great seat because we got to see the cars turn from a corner.

If I were a racer I would try to get first place but drive slowly for safety. The color car I would drive would be pink because it is a pretty color.

I really enjoyed the car race and I hope you liked my story and I would like to know if you were a racer what color car you would drive and why you chose that color.


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