My 8th Grade East Coast Trip! Part 1

 Earlier this week, I arrived home from my first ever trip without either of my parents. I went on a week long trip to different places on the East Coast with my school, and had an amazing time. Although it did take some adjusting at first to be without my parents, after a little, everything worked out just fine. All in all, it was an amazing experience for me, and was a lot of fun to see my friends once again before high school.

 Our trip took place from June 18-25, all starting at my school. All students attending this trip met at my middle school and met up with our chaperones and groups for the trip. Then, after our goodbye's to our parents, our large group of around 80 people headed to the LAX airport. 

After checking all our luggage in, and getting our boarding passes, we all went through TSA together. For some reason, the guard did not scan my backpack the first time, so I was pulled off to the side while the rescanned it. Anyways, we then all walked a long way to our gate, and settled. We were then let free to go around the airport and buy some food. This would be the start of the unusual freedom we received, but I thought it was really cool, especially being with one of my best friends. My friend Savannah and I chose to first get Starbucks, where we bumped into many of our classmates. Then, we went to a small food court, where I got a very yummy quesadilla. After our dinner, we just decided to head back to our gate, and wait the next 20 minutes there. 

After a bunch of unsuccessful attempts to trade tickets to sit with friends, we decided to just board and sit where we were assigned. I got sat a little closer to the middle of the plan compared to the rest of my classmates, and sat next to a random young lady and her baby. Thankfully, her baby was quiet the entire flight, so I was able to sleep just fine. As our flight was a red-eye, most people were sleeping the entire time, yet the flight felt very long to me. It might have also been the 3 hour time difference that threw me off, but I am not sure.

Then, pretty early in the morning, we landed in Boston! There were many fun "girl" moments during this trip, and one of those was nearly all of us getting ready for the day in the airport bathroom, not wanting to do it on the plane. I am not sure why, but it is just so "cute" to experience. Anyways, after getting all of our luggage, we went into our fancy buses, and met our bus driving icon, Dan, who would drive us to all our different states and places. We headed to Margaritaville for breakfast, where there was a small breakfast buffet set up for us. I also loved how the place was decorated, and the beachy vibe it gave off. Then, after breakfast, we headed to Salem! 

Salem was a super cool little town, and we learned a lot about the Salem Witch Trials held back in the day. Also, just to mention, it was so hot! The first day was the worst, but as time went on, we adjusted slightly better to the heat. We first went to this very tiny theater to watch a scary play, which was very cool. There were many visual affects, and the costumes were very scary. I never fully understand the story plays tell, but it was something similar to the trials held back in the day, and the "witchcraft" people were accused of. Also, at the end, we held our own trial with some of our own students. After the show, we split up into 2 groups, for a walking tour of the town of Salem. We visited many historic places, including a police station where witches were locked, a graveyard of the witches killed, a house of one of the victims, and other buildings and hotels. Then, after that, 


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