My Middle School Promotion
Just the other week, finishing up my middle school years, I promoted! I am now going into high school! I am very excited to move onto a new chapter of life, yet will miss the middle school experience and environment. My school's promotion ceremony was held at a local high school, and to me was much nicer and more "formal" than my elementary promotion.
Although my promotion was a fun expierence, it was pretty boring I will admit. Especially for all of the parents, who had to sit in the sun for
In the Americas, a caste system based on race and color emerged…white supremacy and enshrine enslavement as a permanent and hereditary status.” Like stated, during the peak of slavery in the North, most people of color were viewed with very low standards and public status. In some cases, depending on both parties' sides, some of the colors were completely mistreated, being referred to as not even human, and being dehumanized. Unfortunately, though most will not want to admit it, this is still true to this day in some cases. The social hierarchy and overall judgment of those of color is still a huge issue in our country today, even after thousands of years.
With how deep and far this issue has become, most do not see a clear end to this issue, and will most likely carry on for the next few countries. With that being said, schools in America should be teaching the topic of slavery to students of all ages. One of the main reasons for this is because it is not ideal to cover up or hide past mistakes of ours, and will just hurt the reputation of the American government even more. This was an issue made by the U.S. government during this time period, and our government now should now be forced to own up to their actions, even if it was not their direct decision. However, these teachings and decisions should 100% have their own restrictions and boundaries, If taken too far and too seriously, then the teacher specifically should be questioned and possibly
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