My 8th Grade School Year

 In just a couple of days, I will be finishing my 8th grade school year, and middle school! This school year has felt extremely long, yet also very short. I have learned a lot of things, made new memories, and had a good final year before things will truly affect my future.

The foreign policy which I feel was most important for America as a whole during the presidency of Jefferson was the Louisiana Purchase, and how it allowed American citizens to gain access to more resources. According to The University of Maryland, “...nearly doubled the land area of the nation…secured permanent access to the Mississippi river…obtained vast natural resources for the economy…” All of these benefits that came from this one foreign purchase nearly cancel out all the negatives that come from owning a vast amount of land. First, by buying Louisiana from France, we gained control over the entire Mississippi River, which has now become one of America’s main waterways and water sources. Also, most obviously with buying land, the land owned by the U.S. grew dramatically, and gave people more space to grow crops, create buildings, and create other things necessary for survival. Also with more space, this lets people have more freedom from one another, and not be forced into small spaces.

All of these factors came into play, and overall created a stronger and more comfortable society for all citizens. This event of Jefferson’s presidency can be connected to when a company takes over or buys another company, giving them the ownership. For example, the current U.S. - China Tik Tok situation. China is nearly being forced to sell their company to another country, preferably an American company, to avoid the app being banned throughout the U.S. If this goes through, the U.S. will gain the app and data it is “made of,” and also gains all the money generated by its users. Since the U.S. bought the land of Louisiana from France, we then gained control over it, and acquired its sources. The Louisiana purchase was the most important foreign event which happened during the presidency of Jefferson. 


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