2024 Check In

 It is already March! It is crazy how fast time flies, we were truly just in the New Year. So far, this year has been crazy, taking me through a rollercoaster of experiences, emotions, and changes. From school, to skating, to family and friends, there have been many changes in the past 2 months. I always like to think of New Years as a fresh start, and a time to let old things go. With that, of course, some situations and events still stay with me even with a New Year.

Starting with my school and academics, I recently just completed my first semester of 8th grade, which is a huge relief for me, personally. In my school district, the district only looks at our grades and GPA's up to the first semester of 8th grade, meaning this next semester of my year will not count towards anything. However, of course, it is my goal to achieve and keep good grades. When my school year first started, I strived for all A+'s in all my classes, and I would like to continue that. Though it will be challenging, I think it will help me prepare for my high school and future career. With that, I achieved my goal of 97% and above this past semester, and am proud of myself for doing so. 

Since this year is my last year of middle school, I also have been forced to start thinking about my high school choices, and pathway decisions. As of now, I have submitted my prioritized school choices, and have to make a little longer for my results. However, the school and pathway I chose are very popular, so it will be tough and competitive to get into. 

Next, with the new year comes a new ice skating season! Each season, I choreograph a new program, usually move up a level or 2, and begin more advanced skills. This season, I am still in the Excel National series, and am now competiting at the Excel Pre-Juvenile plus level. My music is a combination of a few Adamms Family songs, including the famous theme, the baby cradle song, and a few others. I personally love my music and love the choreography my coach and I have worked on so far, and am excited to debut it in my upcoming competitions. Besides my competition status, I am still working on my Novice Moves In the Field test, working on all double jumps, and working on difficult spins and variations.

I also currently am still taking art classes, and am proud for staying with this hobby since I was very young. I really still do enjoy art, as it helps me take my mind of things, and just helps me relax. I take art classes once a week, on Saturday, and have not done an art competition in a little. However, if there are any good options, I would like to compete more.

Besides all of my school and extra-curricular activities, my friends and I have a new addiction - Fortnite. I never thought I would say this, but Fortnite has quickly become one of my favorite things to do after a school day, and honestly is a lot of fun. I am not very good, as I just started playing, but it helps me relax after a long school day.


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