My 2024 New Years Resolutions

 With 2023 recently passing, it is now time to welcome the new year of 2024! Personally, I am very excited for a fresh, new start, and am looking forward to hopefully a great year. Taking what I learned last year, I plan to leave all the bad possible in 2023, and work on myself and my well-being going into another year. I also have come up with 5 new years resolutions for myself, to set some goals to accomplish as the year passes.

My first goal consists of multiple "mini-goals," and are all about my sport, figure skating. As I always have in mind, I would like to continue improving all my skills, and develop and learn new, more advanced ones. This year specifically, I would like to pass my Novice Moves in The Field test, no matter how many times I might fail. As I learned previously, I would like to "get back up" and work harder to pass. I would also like to have learned the Junior Moves patterns, and be somewhat familiar with them. Also for ice skating, I would like to win at least one gold medal in competition. This season, I will move up a level and compete with double jumps. I would like to land my doubles clean, and get a good score. Finally for ice skating, I would like to start my double axel, and have it almost clean, even if not landed.

My second goal is based around my school and academics. This year will be my first year of high school! I will also be finishing up my 1st semester and completing my 2nd semester of 8th grade. Despite all the fun, activities, and trips planned for this year, I would like to make it one of my priorities to keep my 4.0 GPA, and go higher if possible when in high school. This means all A's, and taking the highest possible courses. However, I still would like to monitor my mental health at the same time, and make sure I still get enough sleep despite all the work I may have. Also, just to keep in my mind, I would like to create good relationships with my teachers, and be true to them.

My third goal this year is to get more sleep, and prioritize my time better. This past year, I have pulled off a shy 8 hours of sleep, going to bed usually around 11, and waking up at 7. My goal is to slowly try and sleep earlier, shrinking down the time little by little. Also, I have noticed, with less sleep than usual, I am always more cranky in the mornings, and it affects how I am able to focus in school as well. Therefore, I would like to get homework and necessary items done early, and go to bed earlier than 11. However, I feel like my body has been getting used to the late sleeping time, so I also have to fight to change my bodies rhythm.

My fourth goal this year is to stay out of all the drama and things happening at school. It is just middle school, none of the things that happen will matter in a few years, and it honestly is just dumb. I would like to focus on more important things in my life, and just focus on my current friends and not worry about the weird people and their drama. However, if things just naturally happen, and I am pulled into a situation, I would just do whatever I can and continue reminding myself things will not matter soon on.

My final new year resolution for 2023 is to live out my teenage years to the max. Just as a reminder to myself, these young years will never come again ,and I would like to make it as memorable as possible. This means going to places with friends, and not caring what others think. Yolo - you only live once, and I would like to make the best of my opportunity.

Also, to help me guide myself and remind myself of my goals, I created a one word mantra - a word to help guide me through the year and stay on track to my goals. My goal this year is grow, as I would like to grow as a person, and become wiser somehow. As more connected to my actual resolutions, "grow" will remind me to keep going in ice skating even if I have setbacks or mental blocks, and to continue growing my education to help shape my future.

All in all, I am very excited to see what 2024 has in stock for me, and plan to make this "my year," changing the bad and improving and continuing the good.


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