Diary Of Anne Frank - Character "Letter" to Mr. Dussel

 For my language arts class, we recently read a few scenes from the script of the play "The Diary of Anne Frank," and were told to write a "letter" to one of the characters regarding choices they made during the play. I chose to write to Mr Dussel, not because he is my favorite character, but because he was one of my least favorites and angered me. 

Dear Mr. Dussel,

You have acted on a few questionable choices hiding in the annex. I believe there is good in your personality, yet you never showed much of it. I am most confused on how you are a Jew, was raised by Jewish, yet do not know any traditions of Hanukkah! When you asked if it was similar to “our St. Nicholas’s Day?” (Goodrich and Hackett 140). Were you thinking?! You should know the basic idea, yet you don’t, shame on you.

As I said earlier, you never show your good side, deciding to always be a cold, unhappy person. I doubt this is the true you, where is all your good? When you first met Anne, you claimed, “I always get along very well with children, … they know I get on with them well,” (Goodrich and Hackett 133). Are you sure? You especially act rude to Anne. Remember when she had a nightmare and you only shook her and yelled? I am here to give you some advice. I have a younger sister, she's a pain in the butt. She constantly annoys me, and I honestly treat her like you treat Anne. However, I have come to realize to treat her kindly, she is just a kid and needs to socialize. Though you and Anne are not related, you should still treat her respectfully.

With all that being said, you were an acceptable roommate to Anne, and had some good moments with her. I hope I see some improvement!



Yani Ye


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