My 2023 School Expierences

As 2023 slowly comes to an end, I would like to reflect on how my school years have been. I was recently let out for break, so I am officially done with school for 2023! This year, I completed my 7th grade year, and am about half way done with my 8th grade year. I attend a middle school in LBUSD, and excitingly will be going to high school next year!

The 2nd semester of my 7th grade school year flew by, taking up the first 5 months of the year. During those months, I earned all A grades, joined a junior scholarship federation, attended a school dance, met and made new friends, took my state tests, took my final I-Ready assessments, and many, many more activities. 

For all of my middle school years, my goal has been to earn all A+ grades, having over a 97% in each class. My 2nd semester of 7th grade was challenging, yet I worked and tried my hardest on all assignments, which let me achieve my goal and have a 4.0 GPA. Because of my good grades and effort put into everything, my school gave everyone the opportunity to apply to a junior version of the California Scholarship Federation (CSF). I took the opportunity into my hands, and was accepted into the program. Upon being accepted, there is not much after that, there are some volunteer experiences, but that is about it. However, I am aiming to join the program whenever offered so in high school I might actually have an opportunity to receive a scholarship.

The school dance I attended was pretty boring, it was located in our school's gym. It was pretty boring, however there were snacks so I was happy. There was also music, a photo booth, and people were dancing. I mainly just stood there, as I have no coordination to dance. 

Around May, it was around the time for the CA state test final, the test everyone (even teachers) hate. I just reminded myself soon I will be finished, and summer will come. I was pretty pleased with my results when I got them back, both achieving high above average, and overall good scores.


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