CNN 10 Video Review - North Korea Cryptocurrency Invasion

In my history class, every week, we are given the assignment "CNN 10" daily warmups. It consists of writing a short paragraph summary about 1 topic covered on the daily CNN 10 videos. We watch the videos as a class, and then write our own topics that we find most interesting. At the end of the week, on Friday, we are then required to write an extra, longer paragraph, summarizing the most important topic we wrote that week. This paragraph was one of my Friday written responses, about North Korea and their invasion and stealing into the U.S. cryptocurrency. 

This week, the story that most connects to our system of government is the story about North Korea and their suspected invasion of U.S. cryptocurrency over the past few years. According to CNN 10, “ estimated amount of $3 billion over the past 5 years was stolen from U.S. database crypto.” This surprise, recent discovery has government officials busy at work, attempting to fix the targeted sites Un is invading, which include gaming and gambling sites, along with banking and even hospital industries. With the money stolen, it gives North Korea the opportunity to launch many missiles, and test many nuclear launches, along with helping Kim fulfill his expensive taste of lavish lifestyle. Personally, I obviously feel biased as an American citizen, of course thinking the wrongs of his doings, yet I also wonder why he decided to do it, knowing how much power our U.S. government has. The story which most connects to our government and troubleshooting issues this week is the story about the North Korean invasion and stealing of U.S. cryptocurrency.


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