LA Autumn Classic Competition

 On the past Thursday, I had another figure skating competition! Being on a weekday and me having school, this competition was a little different than others, but still was a great opportunity for me and I had a lot of fun. This was my 5th competition this year, so I had a decent amount of experience being out alone on the ice.

Just like all the others, I competed at the level Excel Preliminary Plus, and am planning to move up levels in the next few competitions. I skated to the same music, Minor Swing, from Chocolat, a swingy, Spanish style song. My elements also stayed the same, a basic camel spin level 1, single axel, single flip single axel combination, combination spin level 1, choreographic sequence, single lutz, single lutz, and a single flip single toe single loop combination. The level 1's on my spins indicate a high amount of revolutions, and this is the first competition where I achieved level 1 on both my spins.

Luckily, the day of my competition was a minimum day at school for me, so I did not have to miss any classes or school time. Once school ended, at 1:10 today, I walked over to the nearby business with my friends, and went home with my dad, who has never picked me up before. We then got Raising Canes, and went home to eat a relax. Finally, at around 3, me dressed in my dress, we started the car ride to the rink. In the car, I did my hair, just in a high ponytail with some flower clips. The drive was around 30 minutes, and I was finally starting to feel the usual adrenaline I feel before a competition. 


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