My 22-23 7th Grade School Year Part 1

 This passing Thursday, June 15th, I completed my first year of middle school! I am pretty proud of myself and the work that I have produced this year, and am so grateful to all of my teachers and staff that have helped support me adapt to middle school. That being said, I am also extremely excited for summer and what is has in stock the next few months.

As this is middle school, the daily schedule is very different compared to elementary school. Each day, we go through all 6 classes/subjects. We have passing periods which determine tardies, and 6 different teachers. Also, one of my biggest fears leaning about middle school in 6th grade was the P.E. clothing changing. However, it turned out to really not be that bad, and I truly do enjoy having such close friends and a positive environment to change. That being said, I am going to be talking about each of my six different classes, some memories we have together, how much I enjoyed the class, and other important details.

First Period

This year, my first period class in P.E. and my teacher is Mrs. Brown. With the exception of the people (my friends) I had in this class, P.E. was probably one of my least favorite classes. To start, Mrs. Brown hated my guts, she would always yell and pick on me, but of course I would fight that little nag back. Also, this is the class I received the lowest grade in, as I basically flunked all of my mile runs. The only thing that helped lift this class was the friends I had in this class. By around the middle of the school year, my friends and I had a pretty strong group established, and we would always laugh and talk during the hardships of P.E. This was my first year of changing in a locker room, and it definitely did not go as I excepted. My friends and I are always laughing and always talking when we change, we don't even pay attention to anything else. Also, as the weather started to cool down in winter, we were allowed to wear pants to P.E., so a good amount of days I did not even need to change. All in all, though I hated the subject and my teacher, it was overall a great period, a great way to start the day, and a good time to talk and catch up with each other and other kids in our grade.

Second Period

My second period class this school year was band, my teacher being Mrs. Brinker. At the beginning of the school year, I was placed in chorus as my elective, however, that not being anything near my interests, I decided to switch to band, something I am always been curious about.


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