My Typing Progression Over the School Year

 Over the course of the school year, my typing skills and speed have significantly improved, thanks to the constant push and encouragement from all of my teachers this school year. At the start of the school year, or typing journey, I averaged around 50 WPM, and that was but finger pecking and having my eyes glued to the keyboard. I remember, last school year my teachers also tried to get our class to work on our typing skills, and always talked about the importance of good typing skills, but I never really listened. This year however, with Mr. Pech (my history teacher) putting it into perspective and another point of view, I decided learning how to properly type at a good speed would be a great skill for me to learn and apply to my everyday school life. Thus, I began practicing my typing skills on daily, adding up to 30+ minutes each week. As the year advanced, and candy incentives were available to those who actually spent time working on typing, I truly began to understand and grow fond of the keyboard. Slowly, I also starting using NitroType to race against others, but mainly stuck to and their lessons and games. With the monthly typing tests to track our growth, I also saw large improvements. Also, something I am extremely proud of this year is learning how to type properly, with all 10 fingers, and always going back to home row. With the correct positioning and technique, I then could build on my speed and accuracy. The only thing that has been challenging for me and would be something to continue developing would be numbers, as the placement is still awkward for my fingers to reach. Starting from around 50 WPM and finger pecking, I grow insanely grown. I now average around 75 WPM, and am typing the proper way. I am incredibly surprised with how much I have improved with the keyboard the past year, and am very thankful to all of my teachers for all the money and effort they have given in to help all students learn a much needed life skill.


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