Ice Skating "Update"

It had been a little while since I have updated my current in progress skills and other levels of my ice skating journey. I have been pretty focused on competitions for the last few months, but have still made sure to work on other skills to help me progress once my competitions are over.


Besides my competition program jumps (single axel, single lutz, single flip, and flip combinations jumps), I have really been focusing on double jumps. I dedicate almost half my session time each practice to my doubles, which I am trying to break in order to have enough time to cover all my skills. I have started practicing all of the double jumps so far, (double salchow, double toe-loop, double loop, double flip, double lutz, and double axel). My more consistent of the 6 have been double toe, loop, and flip. The double salchow has been named the easiest of the 6, yet I struggle with it the most I would say. I can land this jump consistently, but it is just slightly almost always underrotated and to me just looks ugly. My double lutz I do not work on every session, just when I have some spare time. However, I am pretty capable of landing over 75% of my attempts, with little coaching on it. The double axel I have only attempted a few times, and want to start focusing on it soon. Most of my attempts I have landed, they are just severely underrotated (almost half a rotation). Out of the 6, my favorite would have to either be double loop or toe, and are the jumps I can add onto to make a combo.


Besides my program spins (basic camel, and camel combo), I have been working on more difficult variations and new arm placements for certain spins. I have really been working on and perfecting my camel broken leg back spin however, as it is in my program and is usually the element that earns negative GOE. Besides that, I have been focusing on my camel catch spin, back I-spin, beillman, flying camel, and non-basic twist positions. Once it becomes stronger, my coach decided to add the camel catch into my program to replace the basic camel, as an attempt to earn more points and place higher. Nearly after every forward spin that goes well, I always try and add a back sit variation, or twist to the end just to prepare in case it will go into my program eventually. The flying camel is going pretty well as well, I just need more time and "jump" to help my back camel accelerate. My layback spin is also something I have tried working on, to hopefully turn it into a level 2 spin once I can execute the biellman well. Out of all my spins, my favorite would have to be either a basic forward camel, or a flying camel.

Moves in The Field & Skating Skills

My MIF testing level is still Intermediate, but I feel that I am almost ready to test and move on. I have had a good amount of lessons with new coaches who know the Intermediate test better, and they have helped me develop my skills and polish what the judges are looking for. I only am worried about the twizzle move, and am going to spend a good amount of time working on those in my upcoming practices. I hope to test my intermediate within the next around 2-3 months, and start my Novice test. 

I have also learned many new turns and other skating skills in some duo lessons with my friend. I have been taught counters and rockers, as brackets are already on my current test. Though they still do kind of confuse me, I have started to get more of an idea of how they are different from each other. I have also learned loops, which will be on my next moves test, and have tried to learn Ina Bauers and spread eagles, which are going pretty well. My favorite skating skill would have to be a classic, basic left outside spiral. I can reach my spiral fairly high and it just always feels good to stretch my leg up and have my chest forward and proud.

All in all, over the past few months, I feel that I have made decent progress in all of my jumps, spins, skating skills, and competitions/programs, and I am proud of sticking with the same sport for so long. I am excited to see what the future holds, and would like to land all of my double jumps cleanly and consistently soon.


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