My 3rd Ice Skating Competition

 Earlier today, I competed in my 3rd ice skating competition, this being the first of the 22-23 season.  Though I had not been out performing on the ice in a few months, this performance I feel was the best out of all the others I had, and for many reasons. 

This competition was the biggest out of the 3 I competed in, and also had the most skaters within my category. My competition was at Anaheim Ice Rink, and the event is called Spring Spectacular. From my last program/routine from October, I had a new, freshly choreographed number. I skated to the song Minor Swing, from Chocolat, and loved the piece, as it contains unique sounds/instruments. 

My dress this time around was borrowed from another skater, and was a bright red with rhinestones all around. My costume also included red silk gloves and a flowery, red hairpiece. I personally loved my dress & accessories, and feel like it definitely matches the song. 

As for my performance, I preformed pretty well. I landed all my jumps (with almost a fall on one), and did okay with my spins. I tried to be more "dancy" with this number & tried to make my movements sharp hoping it would my program entertaining & slightly more memorable. 

My technical elements (jumps & spins) for this particular competition included a single axel, a single axel + single loop, a flip jump, a lutz jump, a flip + loop + toeloop jump, a camel catch spin, and a camel + cannonball + upright spin. After getting my results back, my best elements were my camel + cannonball spin, and my single axel jump. 

Along with all of the technical jumps & spins, I also included a choreographic sequence full of turns & arm movements. My sequence is my favorite part of my entire routine, and I just love all of the movements in my sequence. I also feel like I connected most with the judges during this sequence, as I was facing the judges for the majority of my performance.

Finally, after all of my hard work, I got my results back. I got 6th place out of 12 girls, right in the middle of everyone. This is the highest scoring I have gotten out of the 3, and am proud of how much time & effort I spent preparing. I am also thankful for my parents letting my skate & spending so much money, and my coach, for always helping me improve. 

All in all, I am pretty happy with how everything went at my 3rd competition, and honestly had a lot of fun performing alone, which is all that really matters (I still like to beat others though...).


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