My First Semester of Middle School

The passing Friday, it was my final day of my first semester of middle school. I cannot believe how fast time has flown since I started middle school, half of my seventh grade year is already gone, and that does make me feel sad. 

First off, my friends have been the people who make school fun for me everyday, and without them there everyday, I would honestly hate going to school, they just make everything so much more exciting & are always there for me when needed. Since I have arrived at Stanford, I have made many, many new friends, all of them with different & unique personalities. Of course, being in middle school means a lot of drama, especially between girls. However, there has been little to no drama within my friends so far, so I am proud that I made the right choices with who I chose to become friends with.

My teachers have also had such an impact on not only how much I have been able to grow as a student, but also how I have been able to adjust, moving schools. I am extremely grateful to how much time & effort they have put into us, students, just to set us up for our futures. As of my first semester, my schedule has been PE (Ms. Brown) first period, band (Ms. Brinker) second, health (Ms. La) third, advisory (Ms. Johansson) as a homework period, ELA (Mr. Waddles) for fourth period, History (Mr. Pech) fifth, and finally math (Ms. Johansson) last. Though it took some adjusting to the whole switching classes and changing in PE at first, I have grown pretty comfortable with them. 

As it is school I am at, I also have to be cautious & alert about my grades, and making sure to keep acceptable grades for my Asian parents. I have done great with all of my schoolwork however, and don't really have to worry about catching up to curriculum. I have earned all A's, all over 97%, and have also earned all E's for my conduct (behavior) grade. My goal is to work my hardest to also earn all A's and E's for the rest of the school year, and also in 8th grade. 

Thankfully, this school year has also introduced many fun events, without them school would honestly be so lame since no one would have anything to look forward to. The most memorable little event we had during first semester for me would have to be either the Halloween costume dress up, or the winter week dress up days. Both let us wear the clothes we wanted to wear, and finally gave us a break from the boring and ugly colors our dress code allows. For the Halloween dress up, I wore a chicken onesie and it was cool seeing everybody in their Halloween costumes. 


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