Black History Month (Gandhi & MLK)

 As it currently is February, black history month, I have learned a fair amount in my classes and also do extra research just to expand my knowledge. I recently read this one article I found online entitled, "Gandhi's Use of Nonviolence Was a Guiding Light for Martin Luther King," and was intrigued. I did not know any of the information in the article, and it even shocked me that there were others before King who used nonviolence for some reason. Nevertheless, I learned a lot of new things, and am grateful for all the activists who have made changes to our society.

After reading the article, “Gandhi’s Use of Nonviolence Was a Guiding Light for Martin Luther King,” I have gained new insights and understandings about how Gandhi inspired MLK in using non violence to fight for what he wanted. According to the article, Dr. MLK Jr. used inspiration from Gandhi to inspire the use of nonviolence in the Montgomery bus boycott. I have definitely heard of the Montgomery bus boycott before, as I learned about it a lot in elementary school, but have never even heard of Gandhi up until now. What did Gandhi do & how did he use nonviolence in his acts? Both men saw nonviolence as “an expression of love for all people," and that is why both were so successful in what they did to help humanity.  After MLK’s famous usage of nonviolence, many others started to follow his lead, which lead to many peaceful protesters and arguments without physical components. Just like Gandhi inspired King to use nonviolence, King also spread & inspired many to use nonviolence. The thing that I wonder, however, is why MLK specifically gets so much attention for his acts. Do no get me wrong, what King did was amazing, and changed how humans will act forever, but there are many others who did as great of things yet do not get at much credit and attention as they should. Overall, the article really taught me a lot about nonviolence and how it has been incorporated into our lives, and also had me thinking about why certain people get more credit than others for similar actions.


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