2022 Reflection Part 2

 Continuing on from my last post, a 2022 wrap up/reflection, my 2022 summer is probably the most memorable so far. I spent the majority of my summer at Monte Verde Day Camp, where I have been going since I was six, but am now way more mature and old. Because of this, I am now more able to talk to the counselors, and am almost like an assistant with kids and running the camp. I made many new friends this summer, and a few even went to the upcoming school I was new to. My summer was honestly so much fun, we went to many amusement park field trips, and I spent my 12th birthday with all of my friends and counselors there. When I wasn't at Monte Verde, I was either at FECC summer review school, or in Hawaii!!!! FECC is more for younger kids, so being the oldest there made things pretty boring (which is why I switched to Monte Verde).

One of the funniest memories I have of 2022 is during the 4th of July block party in my neighborhood. We were getting ready to see the fireworks, and my clumsy self decided to drop my phone into the stormwater drain capture. I was honestly so worried, but I got it back eventually. Since then, I never trust myself when near these, and always tend to hold my phone a little tighter. I will admit that it was funny how panicky I was, however.

Also, my 12th birthday happened in 2022, and honestly it wasn't the best I have had. My birthday party was at Cal Bowl, and I invited a bunch of my closer elementary school friends. We had a great bowling against each other, and eventually playing the arcade games. My birthday party was one of the best days of my life, but my birthday day on the other hand.. It was ok, I went to summer camp like usual, which was fun. But (and I have noticed this with my friends as well), it didn't really feel like it was my special day, it was just kind of boring. However, I am still grateful for another year to change things, and I was very grateful for my birthday party.

As the summer started to come to an end, my first day of middle school was coming up and honestly, I was dreading it. I hated the fact that I would be the new kid who new 1 person, and have no idea what middle school was even about. My first day went okay, it wasn't as bad as I thought, but it was defiantly a scary experience joining a school later than every else. As time went on, I slowly started making more friends, and finally started adapting to the middle school schedule and habits. Though so far, there have been ups and downs, it has been one of the best school years after I learned to adapt to my new surroundings, and I honestly love Stanford now.

Another thing I think worth mentioning would be all of my ice skating accomplishments this past year. This year I passed my Juvenile Moves in the Field test, along with competed one competition. Though that is not much, I have slowly made more progress in becoming more comfortable with skating on the ice alone with people judging my performance, which is what really matters to me. My moves test was easier, as I had already taken 3 in the past, and was used to the early morning testing's, and judges staring at your skates. Though I won't say it was easy, it definitly becomes easier as you are more comfortable with it. My competition was a whole nother story. I was way more nervous for this one, as I had only done 1 in 2019. My performance was ok, I messed up a jump and a spin entrance, but overall I think I did ok. I got 4th place out of 5 which is pretty bad not going to lie, but I personally felt like I should have placed higher than the 3rd place girl.

All in all, my 2022 was a pretty spectacular year (as you can tell), and I am grateful for every minute, good or bad as the bas only help you grow and fix mistakes. I am hoping that my 2023 will be just as good, and not too many major changes happen.


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