My First Quarter of Middle School

 Recently, I finished my first quarter of my seventh grade school year, time has flown by so fast. From being the new kid and knowing 2 people, I think I made excellent progress with friends and learning my way around campus. 

When the year first started and I first went into middle school, I was extremely upset that I would not be going to the same school as my elementary friends. As the year progressed, however, I am actually glad I was able to switch not only schools but also districts. I get a whole new start instead of staying with the people I have been with for seven years. Don't get me wrong, I do really miss my other friends and classmates, but I think it was a good choice my parents made for me.

My main concern going to a new school is making friends and being able to fit in. After spending over 3 months here however, I realize that I am able to do that just fine. I have many friends who helped me make me feel welcome, same goes for my teachers. 

So far, my grades this quarter are excellent. I have all A's and even a few percentages higher than 100. However, my lowest grade would be in math with a 96%. Though I would say this is my strongest subject, I bombed a few test questions which did lower my grade. I hope to keep these grades for the whole school year, and also into my high school career. 

This year, for my elective, I chose to be in band. I chose to play the tenor saxophone, an instrument I thought sounded really cool when demonstrated. After playing it for about two months, I say that it is definitely one of the easier instruments compared to some of the other instruments in the band, yet still sounds pretty good. My band teacher is probably one of the best teachers in terms of working with kids, as she has to handle over 30 kids with instruments. 

All my other teachers are all pretty nice and great teachers...that is besides my PE teacher. My PE teacher this year is Ms. Brown and she just hates me. Constantly, she tells me that I am not trying hard enough and always makes me run and extra lap because of that. Not everyone can love me though, so it is her loss at the end of the day😁.

All in all, my first quarter here at Stanford has been pretty smooth, I am happy with how everything is going, and can't wait for what the future holds.


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