"Diplomacy With Food" Video Reflection Paragraph

 This paragraph is set up how I write Reflective Paragraphs in my history class. I picked a video on YouTube and decided to write a paragraph reflecting what I learned with some personal connections thrown in.

After watching the short video entitled "Why There Are So Many Thai Restaurants," I have gained new insights and understandings about the political side of food and restaurants. Before watching the video, I had no idea that food could have politics tied with it because it is an essential for life. After watching the video, however, I now understand the idea of soft power - countries focusing on  creating a good self-image to attract tourists. As much as I do not want to, I do understand why countries would do this, as  it could definitely boost their income and population. An example of "soft power" which is very popular these days is South Korea and their K-pop music. Besides some food dishes, I feel that K-pop is what boosted Korea's popularity the most, and most likely helped bring many tourists to the country. Back to Thai food, I do feel like there are a good amount of more Thai restaurants than Chinese or Indian (for example), which I think Thailand did on purpose solely for soft power. All in all, I now have a way deeper understanding about how countries try and grow their cultures to others around the globe.  


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