My First Week of Middle School

 Recently, it was my first ever day of middle school! I was pretty nervous when I first went in, but soon found out that there was nothing to worry about. Since it is a new "section" of grades, it means a new school which was hard to find my way around at first, but I caught on pretty quickly.

For my middle school years, I am attending Stanford Middle School in LBUSD. Because they end school later than other districts, we also started later, on August 31st. Since LBUSD elementary school ends in 5th grade and middle school starts in 6th, most people have already been there for a full year, unlike me. Besides that, I had my best friend Ivy with me and we both were the newbies. 

Since it is middle school, I have 6 different classes with 6 different teachers. My first period class is PE, who I have Mrs. Brown teaching. She seemed okay at first, but after a few days we found out how mean she actually is. My next class is my elective, band. My teacher is Mrs. Brinker and she is very funny and sarcastic. My 3rd period is health and Mrs. La is my teacher. She is pretty nice yet still gets all the teaching done. After 3rd period, I have to go to advisory where I can finish assignments. My teacher is Ms. Johansson and she is also pretty nice. After lunch, my 4th period teacher is Mr. Waddles, who teaches language arts. He is also funny, sarcastic, and understands us. My 5th period teacher, Mr. Pech, teaches History and is probably my favorite teacher. He always gives out candy and makes assignments kid friendly and doable. Finally, my math teacher (also Mrs. Johansson). 

So far, it is kind of tiring having to change for PE and running around the school to get to classes, but I believe it also helps keep me awake. 

On the first day of school, after 3rd period, I walked into Mr. Waddle's classes instead of going to advisory. I was kind of embarrassed but forgave myself as I was new to the whole 6 class schedule.

Overall, I am liking the new experience of middle school, but still like elementary school more since it definitely is more chill and relaxed. However, I am looking forward to make some new friends and learn new things.


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