5 Senses - The Sense I Can and Cannot Live With(out)

 Recently for a school history slideshow, we were asked to write about 1 sense we could and 1 sense we would not live without. 

I can live without..

The sense I can live without is the sense of sound. To start off, the cries and whines of my annoying sister will not be heard (finally!). Her voice overall sometimes gives me a headache, and it would be so nice not to hear her high pitched squeaky voice all the time. Though I would not be able to hear the instructions given for certain things, we have sign language to help communicate. This way, I am still able to understand others without having to lip read or read captions. Finally, all the yelling that and parents sometimes to do me would be silenced for good. This way, I can just focus on myself, my goals, and work and not care about whatever my parents have to say about it.

I cannot live without...

The sense I cannot live without is the sense of sight. Since I obviously want to see my loved ones, being blind would prevent me from doing that (duh). But everything put aside, my loved ones are the most important people in my life, and I hope to stay with them for the rest of our lives. I also genuinely feel uncomfortable with the fact that I am not able to see where I am going, or what I am doing. Even just closing my eyes and attempting to walk into a room is difficult, so I cannot imagine how being blind is like. Finally I want to be able to do one of the best things ever invented - READING!! I personally love to read and I want to continue my love for it until the end of my life.


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