My Best Friend's 12 Birthday

 Recently, it was one of my best friend, Ivy's birthday and she turned 12! She had an awesome beach party and spent her real birthday at summer camp, just like me. She has been my friend for so many years, and I look forward to continue doing that.

Her birthday was at Seal Beach, and she invited many of her friends who are also my friends. All her cousins and family also came, so it was a pretty big party. When I first got there, I was nervous, since some of the people she invited were people who I have had trouble with in the past, but in the end I got along with them and had a lot of fun.

I mainly stayed with my friends Sofia and Rylee for the first part, and we went boogie boarding which was really fun. Once it was lunch, we had pizza, fried chicken, and Hawaiian fruit. We then all went back into the ocean and this time the 3 of us stayed with everyone else, and we went boogie boarding as a large group. I went under the waves a few times, yet it sucked when I did. I felt like I were going to suffocate and the sand just made everything worse. Luckily, nothing bad happened, but it will scare me from now on.

After playing in the ocean for a little longer, we played a game of bean bag toss. My team won, and we got palm tree shaped cups which were really cute. Even though, I scored 0 points and a little kid beat me, it was still really fun and exciting.

Finally, we did cake, and she had a chocolate cake with strawberry filling in the middle. It was a little sweet, but the strawberries tasted really good with the chocolate. While Ivy was cutting the cake, the first slice she cut fell onto the sand and we all laughed at her for it. Even though it was just cake, she imagined it as dog poop and it made it even funnier to watch her pick it up.

On her actual birthday, we both went to Monte Verde summer camp, and her birthday was on an excursion day. We went to the LA Angel's stadium and watched them play against the Mariners. It was pretty boring since it was so repetitive, but the food was good. In the end, the Angel's lost, but had hit 1 home run. 

It was amazing to see how much my friendship with Ivy has changed yet stayed the same over the course of many years, and I hope to continue our friendship going into middle school together. She has always been a great friend and was always there to support me, even when I made other friends. So, Ivy, Happy 12th birthday, I hope you had an amazing birthday.


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