My Sixth Grade School Year

 As my final year of elementary school has finally come to an end, the memories that I have made over the past 7 years will never leave me. My final year has been a roller coaster, happy for the most part though. This year has most likely been my favorite year of elementary because of all the people I had to support me, all the fun times, and just everyone who was there to make it so special.

When back to school first came, I was so nervous, as we hadn't been to school in over a year. However, when that day ended, I was thrilled to say it was one of the best school days I ever had. I was reunited with all my friends, met all my teachers (one of them being my previous 5th grade teacher), and finally back on the school campus. 

As the school year progressed, the work was getting harder, but it was still manageable. Some of the most fun assignments we had were all the poems for language arts, all the math projects, and creative writing days. Out of everything though, my favorite would have to be the book report project with a creative component which I chose to be character trading cards. 

My friends have played a huge role this school year, honestly I don't think I would have been able to get through it without them. They are always there for me when I am sad, bored, or just want someone to joke around with. Some of my closest friends this year are Ivy, Sofia G, Rylee, Sofia O, Amelice, Arianna, Lila, Ella and Julian, Matthew, Robert, Genesis, Jacob Y, Audrina, Valerie, and Delilah in the later months of school.

This year, I was also involved in the student council program at my school, even becoming the vice president. Every morning, I would go up to the flag pole, no matter how much I dreaded it, and spoke the pledge of allegiance in front of most the school. It definitely has helped my public speaking skills a little and proves to me that it's not that bad speaking in front of larger crowds. Every Friday I would also do spirit count with the 3rd graders, where I would go to each 3rd grade class and count how many students were wearing school spirit shirts and clothes. It kind of got boring after a while, but it was fun seeing which class would win and how many students in each class really supported our school.

Even though my teachers can be strict at times, they still take a laugh from here and there. For example, on April fools day, my class and I teamed up to prank our language arts teacher since she is the most serious one. She always talks about how important it is to come to school prepared with all our materials so we decided to pretend to have forgotten our Chromebooks at home. I remember one student raising their hand first and saying she had forgot hers, then I (being one of the most prepared students in my class) said I forgot mine as well. After that, one student raised his hand and said that he "didn't want to bring his", making our teacher nearly shout at him outside (I tell you, she's STRICT). Before that happened though, we all yelled that it was a prank and at first she was still a little mad, then loosened up and started laughing along with us. It was honestly one of the best memories of the school year, even though it wasn't that crazy.

This year, we went on 3 field trips, 1 to the pool across from school, another to Newport beach for a STEAM type of class, and to John's Incredible Pizza. My favorite one would have to be to John's since well, it was the most fun! The pool was fun, but it was kind of short, and the Newport beach one was honestly a little bit of a let down. It was mainly leaning and there weren't many things to do. That being said, it was still enjoyable, I enjoyed the boat ride the most. As for John's, we got unlimited food, some game credits (which I mainly spent on photo booth pictures), and 2 "rides". 

A few other fun activities we had at school were the school fun run, field day, and the end of the year 6th grade dance party. The fun run was a small lap where we could run or walk with decorations set up and snacks at the end. It was fun, but also a little boring since the lap was so tiny. Field day was pretty exciting and I was really looking forward to it. We picked 3 "events" and competed against other girls or boys of our grade. Out of the 3 events I picked, I won first place in the long jump and 3rd place in the soccer kick. As for the dance, it was the most fun out of all the events. There was music, snacks, decorations, and a few games like limbo and dancing contests. It was on the last day of school, so it was fun to embarrass ourselves a few hours before our school year had come to a close.

Finally, promotion.....This year we had the first full on promotion at foster in about 3 years according to our teacher. We had a few practices and they all went a little bumpy because of all the kids. When promotion day finally came, we each received certificates, and a few received academic awards. It honestly was fun yet sad seeing every kid from my year being promoted into the next chapter of life. When the ceremony was over, we walked out with partners, took way too many photos, and received gifts from parents. Since I wanted to stay with my friend at school after promotion, we were allowed to be on our phones and eat candy in class. We also helped our teachers clean out their classrooms and we took a bunch of pictures together.     June 1st. It's always a day I'm going to remember.

Honestly 7 years of hard work saved up for a piece of paper and a handshake? SO WORTH IT!!!! all the friends, relationships, and bonds I have created over the past 7 years will always stay in my heart, no matter what changes. I would like to give a thank you to all of my teachers over the years. I couldn't have done it without your help and encouragement. Also, all the staff and workers at my school has helped make my elementary school the best I could ever ask for. I would also like to thank my friends once again. Without you I would have never made it through all the tough times that school has presented me with. Finally, I would like to thank my mom and dad. No way would I have been able to promote elementary without all your help and time. Not to even bring up all the at home projects, and assignments. From the bottom of my short body, thank you to everyone who has helped me survive the first chapter of my life.


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