My First Trip Hawaii Pt. 1

 Every year, my family and I always try to have 1 big family vacation together to make up for all the busy work hours my parents have. This year we decided to go to... Hawaii! It was my first time there, and I was not disappointed. It was such a fun experience and I will surely never forget it.

We left on the airplane on June 3rd which was the day right after my school ended. The airport procedures were extremally boring, but we got them done with a lot of time to spare. Once we finally got onto the airplane and took off, I felt a jolt of excitement. I hadn't been on a plane in over a good 2 years and being on them is really exciting to me for some reason. 

During this trip, we visited 3 islands, Oahu, Big Island (aka Hawai'i), and Maui. We first landed in Waikiki in Oahu since they are more for tourists and visitors, having many hotels and shops. We stayed there for around 3 nights, doing a new activity every day. We then flew over to Big Island, and stayed there for 1 night. The next day, we flew to Maui in the morning, and back to Oahu in the evening.

The first 3 nights we visited the Polynesian cultural center, the Peal Harbor National Memorial, and went on a small circle tour. 

At the Polynesian Cultural Center, we well, learned about the Polynesian Culture. We learned about the different islands (Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, etc.)and some of their cultural aspects. We then had a really yummy buffet, and watched a show about a boys life from birth of marriage. They had some fire stunts and different types of dances.

At the Pearl Harbor National Memorial, we mainly just looked around at the statues, went into a read about the attack, and went onto a submarine. It was kind of boring since I didn't understand much of it, but it was still enjoyable. After looking around for a while, we visited part of the city and looked at monuments. 

During the small circle tour, we visited many places. We first went to look at a nice view of the ocean, then went to a blowhole which was a little disappointing since there weren't any blows. We then looked at some rich peoples houses, including one of the houses the owner of Panda Express owned. Finally, we went to a pretty high mountain where we got a nice view of the city.

The next day, we flew over to the Big Island where we had another little tour. Just to say, it was kind of boring. Once we landed and found our tour, we went to the Big Island cookie company where we basically just got samples and could buy cookies. We then went to Queen's park where we got a view of the ocean and walked over the bridges and by some volcano rocks. We then visited a beach where the sand was black, and saw a statue of some famous Hawaiian or Polynesian person. After lunch, we visited a waterwall which was pretty nice, but it was just a simple basic one. Finally, we visited some volcanos, which just looked like steam out of the Earth to us, as we couldn't see it from the top. Even though it was pretty boring, some of the sights were pretty nice and enjoyable.

Since I have so much so to talk about, I am going to be making a part 2 which I explain the rest of the activities we did.


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