"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Character Descriptions (Harry, Sirius, Dumbledore, and Voldemort)

In “Order of the Phoenix”, Harry’s loyalty was really shown, especially since he had to deal with so many people at once (friends, teachers, family, and relationships). He was forced to give everyone of them a “fair share”, not wanting to let any of them down as they are all so close to his heart. His bravery and courage against the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters were also really shown (especially during The Ministry of Magic battle). Harry went through many common teenage behaviors, such as anger at friends, swearing, etc. As for his physical appearance, Harry has his famous, motherly green eyes, messy black hair, is very tall and thin, and has a great resemblance to his father.

“Order of the Phoenix” was the time where Sirius and Harry spent the most time together, and created the strong godfather - godson bond they were known to have. Sirius especially felt very privileged when Harry was around, as he was very isolated from the outside world. He was constantly lonely and had no one who understood him like Harry did. When he finally did have his escape from Grimmauld Place, reality struck him and he sadly passed away…forever. Before his passing, Sirius’s physical characteristics included long and matted brown hair, waxy skin, brown eyes, and appeared to be naturally handsome. 

In “Order of the Phoenix”, Dumbledore spent most of the school year ignoring Harry, as he was afraid that Voldemort was inside of Harry. He feared that telling Harry anything to do with the Order of the Phoenix would then let Voldemort hear their plan to fight and hopefully defeat him. After The Ministry of Magic battle however, he returned to his usual, helpful self, filling Harry in as much as could be done. His powerful yet wise self really shone during his duel against Voldemort, as he remained calm and used strategy, while still using his expert dueling skills. His physical appearance included his signature long, gray/white hair and beard, his piercing blue eyes, his low spectacles, and his usual fancy robes.

After Voldemort’s return in “Goblet of Fire”, his power-hungry and evil self led him to wanting to get revenge on Harry more than ever. He constantly was finding ways to lead Harry into danger, leading him to fall in Voldemort’s arms. As that never happened in this book (many times it almost did though), it made him more determined to kill the boy who killed him 14 years prior. As Voldemort never has nor will experience love, he is constantly trying to achieve the most similar thing (in his eyes) - power. Voldemort’s physical appearance includes bright red eyes, a skull-like pale white face, snake-like slits, and a few noticeable reptilian features.


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