Grand Canyon Trip Story (Fake)

 Well did today go as planned. I mean there were some good moments, but all in all, it wasn't the best. Let me start from the beginning, my name is Yani and I'm 15 - or at least my real name friends call me "yams". My besties, Sadie and Elly, along with guy from my school (I think his names Carter or something..) invited me to go to the Grand Canyon with them. As I was not the one for hiking or even walking long distances, I wanted to refuse, even if my besties were going.

"Come on yams, once in a lifetime," Sadie said, and I knew she was right.

"I suppose..." I responded, quite reluctantly.

"YESSSSSSSS!!," Sadie and Elly cheered, jumping around like little flies trying to aviod the swatter.

Sooo, about 30 minutes later, I was in a whole different location, was surrounded by these huge rock thingys, and still had no excitement for what was to come. 

"C'mon guys, we're here," Carter had said, covering his bright blue eyes with a pair of sunglasses.

At the entrance, we met this lady who told us some before hand facts about this giant orange place.

"The Grand Canyon is made up of 3 main rocks. Limestone, sandstone, and shale, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, Colorado River runs through it, blah blah blah blah, mules use the trail too, blah. blah. blah. blah. blah." 

As you can tell, I was getting quite bored of her nonsense, so I kinda zoned out...

After what felt like 700 hours, we finally set off.

The first few hours were fun I guess. We explored the rock carvings and told jokes along the way, though I still wish I was all snug up on my bed, cuddling with my cat, Crakerjack.

We had this one plan to hike up to one of the tallest canyons which we were all down for...except for Elly. She was a little scared of heights.

Ignoring her, we all set off. I actually started to enjoy all the rocks, canyons, and desert plants - they were sorta growing on me.

One thing I noticed about myself along the way, I just couldn't stop looking in Carter's direction. He just looked so.... Okay, I'll admit it, I think I kinda like him...AHHHHHHHHHHHH THERE I SAID IT...But honestly, he was just so good-looking and nice.

After another hour or so of hiking, we finally reached our destination. And when I say it was beautiful, I mean it was BEAUTIFUL. The bright sun shinning down, the georgeous trees and plants, it was just so pretty!!

"wow..." I whispered, still speachless of what I was seeing.

"Want me to push you off?" Sadie jokingly replied.

"I think I'm good thanks" I laughed back at her

"Dang, quite nice isn't it?" Carter said from behind us.

"Yea...wonderful" Sadie and I both said back.

"Hey El, what d'you think?" I asked, turning to my ride side, where I swear she just was.

No response. 

"Elly??" Carter, Sadie, and I said, looking around, but she was nowhere to be found.

Now I started to panic. Elly was one of my closest friends...we were the duo in our trio with Sadie..

"O-oh no no n-no no. Where is she?" I said, starting to tear up.

We started walking back at this point, I swear I almost fainted from worry. And then we saw it.

Bright red blood, spewed all over the canyon. Elly's lifeless body laying next to what looked like a tooth. My heart dropped down below my stomach and my brain wasn't working anymore.

"ELLY" I screamed, sobbing so hard I couldn't see where I was going.

I started jogging, and that jog broke into a run. I wasn't going to take it in. She hadn't passed. 

Sadie was also crying now, she and Elly had been good friends too. Carter watched both of us, tears forming in his eyes as well.

When I finally reached her body, I hugged her so tight it reminded me of a hug we once shared...when she was not in this state. I cried so hard that even my eyes were starting to hurt - but I didn't care. This was my bestie, my 4 lifer, and now she was gone.

"Yani, it's okay," I heard Carter's voice say from above me.

I felt him grasp onto my hand, my stomach floating with butterflies. Yani get a hold of yourself. Your friend just died and you get butterflies from a person holding your hand? Gosh, thinking back now, I was ridiculous. 

Still crying and hugging Elly, Carter slowly pulled me up and pulled me into a hug. 

"It's going to be ok, Elly was a great person and friend I understand that, but sadly things do happen in life and we need to get over those obstacles," He whispered in my ear, once again giving me butterflies. 

After that hug which felt like it lasted forever, I went over to Sadie. She was crying so hard, her eyes now bloodshot red. I pulled her into the tighest hug, we only had each other as friends now.

"Wolves..." Carter whispered, inspecting the tooth near Elly's body.

"THAT LADY WARNED US THERE WERE WOLVES HERE" Sadie half yelled-half whispered, her words bringing a chill up my spine.

"The lady?-"

And then I remembered. I had zoned out when she was speaking. Was it my fault Elly died? Would I have been able to save her if I had listened?

"C'mon, staying here dosen't do any good.." Carter said, still a little shooken up.

We carried Elly's body back to the car, ready to plan a funeral for her..

Well, there you have it. My "trip". I still can't believe it. Elly was such a good friend, she was always there for me, and I'm just going to miss her so so much...

I guess Carter's a semi replacement for her, but it's just not the same without her.....


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