"Hatchet" Constructed Responses

 Question 1 : Explain how the author uses the first four paragraphs to indicate Brian’s realization of the severity of his situation.

Answer 1 : The author added small sections where it shows what Brian is thinking and how he is feeling. “They might come today” shows how Brian is starting to get worried and concerned about if he were to get saved or not. He also is starting to remember what people did in movies or TV shows to see if anything he remembered would help him in his current situation. This all proves that Brian is finally starting to realize how serious and dangerous his situation is because of how he reacting (panicked) to every small thought that comes in mind.

Question 2 : Paragraph 6 consists of a single four-word sentence fragment. Why would Paulsen only include these four words in the paragraph? What do they reveal about Brian’s situation?

Answer 2 : I believe that the author wrote a 4 word paragraph to really emphasize how hard hunger hit him. The author might have used those specific words so make it sound more dramatic and sudden since the thought of food cut sharply through another thought he was having. His realization of hunger reveals another problem that he will have to face while also focusing on his main goal - somehow getting saved in time. This proves how hunger can really affect Brian from his main goal because of how much it could weaken and slow him down.

Question 3 : Perpich is an important character in this excerpt despite the fact that he is not directly part of the action. Why is he important? Even though Perpich is not physically with Brian, what impact does he have on him at this life-changing moment?

Answer 3 : I think Perpich is an important part of the story because his “quotes” are what motivate Brian throughout the story. Since Perpich was always talking about staying motivated, Brian took his advice and kept trying. Even thought Brian wasn’t sure if he would be saved, he still kept trying, just like Perpich would have wanted him to. Since we are able to “read Brian’s mind” at some points of the story (including small parts of the paragraph where Perpich is mentioned), it shows us how Brian is trying to motivate himself. All of this shows how important of a character Perpich plays in keeping Brian motivated.


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