Water Pollution And How To Solve It

 “Water is the driving force of all nature,” wrote Leonardo Da Vinci. Water pollution is getting worse and worse with every minute that goes by. We don’t have unlimited water, and since we use it so much… we need to protect it before it’s all gone. However, there are many ways to help protect the environment and live a “green life,” including keeping water supplies clean and saving water.

There are many ways water can be polluted by us humans, but there are some things that affect the environment more than others. For example, medicine. Medicine can be flushed down the drain and can get into our oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. It then could harm the water and make it unsafe for all the marine life down there (Source 1). In addition, batteries are very harmful to the environment. “The chemicals in the batteries can get into our watershed”, harming the water and wildlife (Source 1). Oil spills can also harm the water. The oil “can pollute our water sources”, making the water dirty and unsafe (Source 1). Most importantly, litter/trash. Trash (especially plastic) destroys the ecosystem around it. The trash can stay in oceans for a long time and if it isn’t cleaned or picked up - that part of the ocean is gone (Source 1).

Even with all the things that can pollute water, there are also many ways to conserve water and protect the environment. For instance, taking shorter showers can save water all in all. If everyone contributes in taking shorter showers, we can save a whole lot of water (Source 2). Furthermore, the next time you wash your hands, make sure to turn the faucet off all the way since many gallons of water are lost because of clumsy people (Source 2). Also, cleaning up the environment where water is near is a great way to protect water sources. Just pick up a few pieces of trash the next time you visit a beach or lake, but at the same time, remember that you are benefiting water sources a little bit (Source 1). Most importantly, recycle! Recycling is just a great way to get rid of things you don’t need anymore since they can be repurposed into something other people can use (Source 1).

Water is really limited so we need to make sure that what we have left stays clean and healthy. Without water, there’s no houses, hotels, trees, and pretty much life since we all need water to survive. Recycling, helping to clean water resources, and taking care of our environment is something that we should all start doing if we weren't already. Without water, the Earth wouldn’t be a thing, so we should all work together to keep our beaches, lakes, rivers, etc. clean and stop water pollution.


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