Similarities And Differences (Dogs And Cats)

 Knowing the similarities and differences between dogs and cats is crucial when it comes to buying a furry friend. Dogs and cats are both pretty messy so keep that in mind. You have to clean up after them which includes cleaning up their poop and pee. Another thing they have in common is that they are both expensive. You have to pay for their food, toys, collars, etc. Another key similarity is that they are both good companions. They like cuddling and being played with (you should too!).

But along with all those similarities, dogs and cats also have a lot of differences. Dogs, are very energetic and love to run around. They are pretty noisy but love to play. On the other hand, cats are quite shy and quiet. They are lazy and don’t run around as much as dogs. Dogs are also needy, meaning that they LOVE being cuddled with. Dogs want attention from you and often feel alone without you by it side. Cats however, are pretty fickle. They can lash out easily and like being alone. They are not a cuddly but still make a great friend. But the choice is still yours! What furry friend will you pick?


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