My First Day of 6th Grade

Recently, my school year has started, which also means that summer is over. I'm not sure how to feel since I have always loved school but at the same time, my 2021 summer has been so fun it's hard to think that it's already over. Besides all the negative things, I had a good first day of school and am looking forward to the new school year.

For my 6th grade school year, I am still going to the same elementary school (Stephen Foster Elementary) as before. It will be my last year there since next year I will be in middle school.

 My homeroom teacher this year is Mrs. Greenwood who is really nice if you get on her good side. My friends and I all are which is a good thing since we have all seen her yell at other students. My 2 other teachers are Mrs. Bomgaars (Who was my 5th grade teacher) and Mrs. Frizzelle. All of my teachers this year are some of the most experienced teachers at my school. They all have different but high expectations which can get annoying since they always say that "we are the older ones and have to set a good example." 

This year, our period rotation things are different since we don't stay with our homeroom class the whole day like 5th grade. We are separated into 3 groups depending on our level and grades last year. My whole friend group and I are all in the highest group which is Egypt. Our teachers treat us harsher since Egypt is the highest level. Regardless, we still cover the same materials but we sometimes do extra and more advanced things. 

In 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, we do tickets which are used to do things in class such as use the restroom or get water. Our tickets are also used for Effort club which is around 30-45 minutes every other Friday of fun "free" time. We have to pay like 4 tickets or something every time to show that we worked for it though. I already earned many tickets the first day because of small things like turning in papers we were supposed to.

Since the first day is one of the roughest, we always end early, so today we ended at 1:36 instead of 2:55. When the day ended, I was really sad since it was a really fun first day and we all had good first impressions. 

In my opinion, my 6th grade school year has a lot to come but also a lot of fun to come. All the end of the year activities sound so much fun and those will just be my light whenever I struggle with something.


  1. I can't believe you are in sixth grade already! I wish you a wonderful, productive, and exciting year. I can't wait to hear about all your academic and social accomplishments along with your out of school activities. You are an AMAZING scholar so you will do great!

    Miss Ishida

    1. Thank you Miss Ishida! I'm looking forward to hopefully a great year!


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