My First Camping Trip (Narrative Fiction story)

"Yay!! We're finally here!" Lauren, my best friend said excitedly. "I know!! I'm excited to go camping for the first time!" I told my besties, Sofia and Lauren. "Welp hope we don't get killed by animals" Sofia joked with us. "Hahaha'' Lauren and I laughed but something seemed different about her laugh. "We should set up our tents now, it is getting kind of dark." I told my friends. "Good idea" Lauren replied. Now, I don't remember much but the last things I remember were Sofia and Lauren fighting about something. They weren’t very good friends yet they never had argued like this before. "Woah guys CALM DOWN!" I said trying to break their argument. Needless to say, they weren't a good combo. "Sof something I don’t need to say your name correctly, Be quiet" Lauren said harshly to Sofia. "Stop!!!" Sofia jotted back to her. "You guys, this is ridiculous, you're 13 and you're fighting like little kids-" I told them wondering if my first camping trip would be ruined. But it didn't work. They ignored me and kept fighting. I followed them since I didn't want to lose them in the woods. I had to carefully sneak to see what they were saying to each other since they were both my friends and didn't want either of them to feel bad about themselves. After what seemed like 10,000 hours, they finally stopped fighting and calmed down. But there was another problem. "You guys!! Do you see what trouble you have made? "Umm..." Lauren started not wanting to say the rest. Sofia sighed and said "Sorry Yani, umm we might be a little lost..." She said. "We ARE lost-'' I told her and wanted to cry. Our parents let us go camping by ourselves since we were old enough but I didn't feel as safe. 

     "Well if we're here in the woods and have no idea how to go back to our campsite, we might be stuck here for days." I told both them feeling down in the dumps. "I mean yea... that's the worst part" Lauren told me. "Plus we have no water and no compass or GPS to get back" Sofia added. "Plus, it's too dark to go out and look for our camp even if we had a compass or GPS." I added as I sat on the ground. "I know there was something ughh what was it..." Lauren muttered. "Huh?" I asked. She then had a small smile on her face like she had remembered something. "We CAN get back." She said smiling. "Uhmm how?" Sofia asked her. "Guys I wanted to tell you something yesterday that would help us in this situation" Lauren told us. “Really?” I asked her. “Yea I actually did some research online and got some survival tips that people used to use.” Lauren replied. “We can use them to find our way back in the daytime but also to have food and water." Sofia added. “Don’t worry about that, I have a “hack” for that” Lauren told her. "Well i'm getting a little thirsty, what’s the water trick hack thing?" Sofia asked her. "Well first we need to find a lake, stream, or lagoon." She told us. "That's easy, I see one right there," I told them. "Anyone have a bucket or container?" I asked my besties. "I do!" Sofia said, giving me a hollow cylinder. "Perfect," Lauren said. Getting the water wasn't hard but it was hard to see where we were going. "Sweet, now we need to boil the water to filter it." She told us. I was very confused since I didn't know how to start a fire. Sofia must have seen the look on my face because she said "Don't worry, I used to watch my brother in boy scouts. He would use matches but usually they didn't have any on hand. So they used 2 pieces of wood and rubbed them together until a fire sparked. Then they would add more wood." Sofia said as she gathered 2 pieces of wood on the ground. I suddenly realized something and told the others. "Guys not only will the fire boil water, but it will also keep us warm for the night!" I said happily. "Perfect!" Lauren said smiling at me. After 5 minutes of rubbing the wood together, a fire started to spark so we gathered a couple more pieces of wood. "Guys we made a whole campfire alone!" Sofia said excitedly. "I know I feel great," I told her. We then boiled our water and let it cool while we talked about school and our teachers since we were in different classes. "The waters cool!" Lauren said to us. "Yay finally!" Sofia said. We each got some water to drink and would soon need to boil more since Lauren had said that 1 gallon of water was needed a day. Suddenly I heard leaves crisping and crunching. I got the chills and sat very still. "Boo!!!!" Sofia yelled, jumping from behind me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed. "Hahaha I got you good" Sofia said laughing. I rolled my eyes and had to smile. I told her "lol good one but you scared me to death!" "Yani you should have seen the look on your face!" Lauren said laughing hard. "Whatever" I said laughing as well. We told funny stories, laughed, and had a lot of fun. We stayed hydrated and slept for a couple of hours even though it was uncomfortable to sleep on the floor.

         We all woke up the next morning, around the same time and we drank some more water since we would have to find our way back to the campsite. "Sofia you sleep so funny! You slept flat on your stomach with your hands all the way out! No wonder why your parents call you the Sleeping Angel." I teased. After 10 minutes of us giggling and talking we started our long journey back. "Guys I also remember that we can use the sun to tell East, West, South, and North." Lauren added. "Show us the way!" Sofia said giggling. I saw them smile at each other and I felt happy that my besties were getting along. After 30 minutes of walking and chit-chatting, we finally found our campsite. "Yayyyyy!!!!" I said falling dramatically onto my sleeping bag. "Hehe" Lauren laughed. "We should get out of the woods or we might miss our taxi!" Sofia said. "Good idea" I added. We then packed up our things and started to walk out of the woods and onto the bridge that separated the woods and the city. Honk honk! Went a car horn. "That’s our taxi guys come on!" I told them. "Yay let's go!" Sofia said back. We then ran quickly to the taxi and hopped into the bright yellow car. We talked quietly in the car hoping not to embarrass ourselves in front of a stranger. "Thank you!" I said to the taxi driver as I gave him $10. "Thanks" He said back to me. “Come on guys let’s get home" I said to them. I walked down the streets thinking about my amazing camping trip. It was a one of a kind experience but sadly it had come to an end.



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