My (very long) snow globe essay for school

For school, my classmates and I have had to write a essay on if we were trapped in a snow globe. We had to include dialogue and the characters talking and communicating with each other.

 “Everyone ready to go?” My dad asks. “Yes!!” My sister adds”. And then we drove off to finally ready to go to the beach. “Yay!! Beachy here we come!” My annoying sister says.

As we finally arrived at the beach I started to feel the hot fine sand and hear the waves crashing on rocks. “Wow!! Look at that dolphin” I say, finally feeling excited. 

We find a nice spot to sit down and have lunch but suddenly something unusual happened. 

“AHHHH!!!” My sister screams. I turned around to see what she was screaming about and I saw a strange looking woman with a picture brochure and a camera that appeared out of nowhere. 

“Hey little ones!” She says. 


“Not telling you but maybe you should be gone ru- never mind hehe” She starts

“STOP” I scream. 

But it was too late. She took a picture of us and we got zapped into some small glass container with sand and some trees.

“Sis where are we?” My little sister asks. 

“I’m not sure but mom and dad still don’t realize what happened.” I add. 

“Ugh that stupid person” I mutter.

By then my sister was walking around trying to figure out where we are.

“Yani!! I think I know where we ar-!!” My sister starts but something interrupts her.

Everything started swirling and spinning in circles.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT'S GOING ON” I scream as loud as I can.

“I’M NOT SURE BUT I’M SCARED” My sister adds.

We then landed somewhere on a shelf looking thing in a busy store.

“Yanna first of all, I think we are in a beach snow globe and second of all I think we're in a souvenir store. But no matter what, we need to stay calm” I tell her.

“Okay” She says calmly.

“Oh, and I was thinking we were in a beach snow globe too.” She adds.

“Hmmm what are you thinking we should do to get out?” My sister asks.

“I’m not sure maybe I could search something up on my phone.” I tell her.

“I mean it’s worth a try but it might not work.” She says.

I glare at her and tell myself whatever you say but then I get a call from my friend, Ivy.

“Ohhhh! Of course! I should have just called Ivy in the first place silly me. I say excitedly.

She rolls her eyes at me and stares at my phone as I pick up the call.

“Hey Ivy!” I say happily.

“Hey how’s it going!” She replies.

“Well we were going to the beach and randomly got turned into a snow globe. Do you have any advice on how to get out?” I ask her.

“Whaaaaaaaa I have so many questions but I will help you with your problem first. I think maybe you should try and call this company called Odd squad. I saw it on TV and they solve odd cases. They might be able to help you. Well I need to get going now sorry but hope this helps!” She says.

“Aw man ok bye! Thanks for the advice!” I add.

“Bye!” She replies. 

And then we hung up our call and the only thing I could think of doing is doing what Ivy had suggested.

“Well I guess we're going to call this Odd squad thing she told me about” I tell Yanna

“Well let’s just give it a try first” She adds.

“Okay I guess” I say

We then tried to find Odd squad’s phone number so we could call them but then something happened.


“WHAT? I THINK THEY'RE TURNING INTO P...P...PLASTIC!” I say as I start to panic.

“I need to call them right now otherwise we might turn into plastic and be sold as souvenirs!” I say feeling worried.

Finally after lots of research I found their phone number so I quickly call them before I start turning into plastic.

“Hello?” I ask

“Hello this is Odd Squad how may we help you?” Someone through the phone asks.

“Hi, my sister and I were just at the beach when this person turned us into a snow globe. We are now stuck in a souvenir store and my sister is starting to turn into plastic. Can you please help us?” I ask.

“Of course but we first need to know where you are right now and what the person looks like so my agents will be able to track her down” They reply.

“We are at Mother's beach in Long Beach, CA. We are in the souvenirer shop and the person has a picture brochure and a strange looking camera. Thanks for any help.” I tell them.

“Your welcome. I will send some agents to help save you.” They say.

We then hang up the call and by then, our feet have been turned into plastic. 

“Yanna, I called Odd squad and they are going to try and help us.” I tell her excitedly.

“Yay!! I’m ready to get out of here!” She says

“I hope mom and dad haven’t noticed because what if they call the police and they say we have been gone.” I tell her nervously.

“Let’s just hope not.” She says shrugging.

15 minutes later

“Yani, it’s been 15 minutes why is it taking so long?” She says impatiently.

“I’m not sure just be patient and-” I started.

“LOOK!! THERE THEY ARE!” I say finally feeling relieved.

“OVER HERE! OVER HERE!” My sister yells.

“Hello. Did you guys call Odd Squad for help?” A girl asks.

“Yes we did! We were at the beach and got trapped into this snow globe!” I say

“Opal, i’ve never seen anything like this before!” A boy tells her.

“Me neither. But we need to find this person to get you guys out of there! She says.

“Please hurry, we are slowly turning into plastic and will be sold as souvenirs soon!” My sister says.

“Be a little nicer, they are trying to help” I tell my sister glaring at her.

“Whatever” She says with an attitude.

I roll my eyes at her and turn back to notice Odd squad already left to help us!

“Yanna, they are already on the case, let's be patient and hope they can catch her.” I tell my sister.

“Okay, okay I will be patient.” She tells me.

“Good” I saw smirking at her.

As time passes by, the plastic gets even more bad and we are now almost stuck in place.

“Ugh this is so uncomfortable” My sister whines.

“Be patietttt” I say annoyed.

“Look there they are!” My sister says finally not complaining.

“Oswald! The plastic is getting worse!” A girl says.

“Okay guys, we found the person with the camera, and we captured her. We got her camera and I think all we need to do is take a picture to get you out of there!” A short boy says.

“Thank you! We thought we would be stuck in here forever!” I say being dramatic.

The short boy apparently named Oswald takes a picture of us and…

“Were free!!!” Me and my sister say at the same time.

“Thank you guys so much for your help!” My sister says.

“No problem! We have been trying to catch her for a long time as well!” A different girl says.

“That was such a fun case!” The short boy says again.

“Which is why we are going to take a picture to remember it!!” A different boy says.

“NOOOOO!!!!!! DON’T DO IT!!!” We all yell but it was too late.

“Uh oh I see what I did there.” The boy says.

“Again? Ugh were in the snow globe again” My sister says rudley

“Be nicer- gosh what’s with your attitude today?” I tell her

“Did you need to?” The other boy asks

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I will try and take a picture again.” He says.

“Please do, we have been trapped and we just got out” My sister says.

“It doesn't work!!!” He says.

“WHATT??!!!!” We all scream.

“Oh there we go I pressed the wrong button oops-.” He replies.

He then took another picture of us and we hoped he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

“Well thank you guys again for your help. We need to get back to our parents now.” My sister tells them.

“No problem bye!!” They say.

“Bye!!” We say.

“Sis we need to get back to mom and dad quickly before they get too worried.” I tell her.

“Okayyyyy” She says slouching.

We then walk back and try to find the spot where we got zapped.

“I see them!! Look over there!” I tell my sister.

“Yayy!!! I’m really hungry too!” She says.

“Hi mom, Hi dad!!” I say.

“Hi mama Hi dada!” My sister replies.

“Where have you guys been?” My mom asks.

“Uhhhm, very long story that we don’t have time for, we are starving!” My sister tells them.

“Okay!! Well we have pizza for lunch!” My dad says.

“Yummy!!” We both say.

Then we ate lunch, played at the beach, and headed back home. It was an amazing adventure to go on but it sadly came to an end.


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