My 2021 New Year resolutions

 2020 has been a very strange year but was a good time to spend time with family if their at your house. At the beginning of 2020 before quarantine I made 3 resolutions to try and complete during 2020. Unfortunately, some of my resolutions could not be completed this year. 

My first resolution in 2020 was to pass my Preliminary moves in the field test which I did not complete. The reason I did not complete this test is because there were no testing sessions during 2020 that I could take. Also I had to take a month or so break because almost all the skating rinks near or in my city were closed. When I got back to skating, I practiced my test and am working on making my skills stronger.

My next resolution was to study harder in school to get better grades. I think I did achieve this goal because I am now getting better grades on all my test and report cards. I also am learning things above my class to get a little bit of a head start. I am going to keep working on the learning sites my school suggests to keep my studies up. 

My last 2020 resolution was to exercise more to become healthier. I really think I accomplished this goal because I jump on the trampoline a lot each day because of boredom. I also am doing off ice training for my ice skating and get some exercise out of that. I am going to try and keep doing this because I am so bored and also to become healthier.

This year for 2021 now that I know we will portably still be in quarantine, I have one big goal. That goal is to improve in all my classes. Currently I am taking Chinese class, Art class, and ice skating class.

I have just started my Chinese class and want to learn new Chinese characters and how to read them. Also I want to talk more Chinese at home with my parents to get used to speaking it more. 

In my art class, I want to practice drawing more independently and on my own. I also am working on turning basic shapes into more detailed drawings. I want to maybe draw on my own at least once or twice a week to practice my skills.

Lastly in my ice skating class, I want to work on double jumps by the end of the year. In a few months I also want to land my axel cleanly and fully rotated. I also want to work on harder spins such as combination spins, Y spins, and Biellmann spins. Lastly, I want to be more fluid and graceful in my moves in the field test. Hopefully I can start working on my Pre- Juvenile test by the end of 2021.

In my opinion, 2020 has not been a very good year but it was a good time to spend time with my family. I am hoping 2021 is a better year and I hope to complete my resolution.


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