Helen Keller biography for school

 Recently, for school, I have been assigned an essay on a person in History. Our teacher randomly picked the people and I got very lucky with my person. My person was Helen Keller and I already knew some about her. The rest of the facts I had to do research and got from the internet. Something we had to watch out for was flagged passages which is basically copying sentences/paragraphs from the internet. Below is the essay I have written.

      I knew it was soon coming, I felt it since I was born and then it happened. After this happened, I realized “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” - Helen Keller. Helen Keller was known for being an American author but that is only a piece of what she did. Helen Keller inspired many people and did many things to help our country. 

     Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama and lived in a small house her grandfather built many years ago. Her parents were Arthur H. Keller and Kate Adams Keller. She had 2 older half brothers and 2 younger sisters who were all healthy and had no disabilities. Sadly, when Helen was 19 months of age, she was infected with an unknown disease which left her both blind and deaf and they would stay with her for the rest of her life. When Helen was 6 years of age, she was examined by Alexander Graham Bell and was recommended to hire a teacher at the Perkins Institution for the blind. The school hired Anne Sullivan to teach Helen how to read Braille. Since Helen was only 7 at that time, she was very fussy and didn’t like to pay attention. The first word Helen learned was “water” because when she felt it it suddenly clicked in her head.

     Helen went to and graduated from Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was the first deaf-blind person to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. After she graduated, she shared her experiences with people around the world. She wanted to show people that her disabilities would not stop her and that other people can do the same. She also spoke about disabled rights and how she wanted everyone to be fair. Helen wrote 12 books in her lifetime that were all about her experiences growing up as a deaf-blind person. The first book Helen wrote was called “The story of my life” in 1902. Helen was not married and had no children but she had many friends to keep her company. Speaking of friends, Helen and Anne (the person who taught her Braille) were friends for about 46 years! Helen achieved many mind-blowing accomplishments as an adult.
    In Helen’s later years, she continued to speak out and write books.  Unfortunately, when she was 87 years of age, she passed away because of natural causes. After her death, people started to make movies, plays, and books about her and Anne’s inspiring story.

     Helen Keller was known for being an American author. Helen was very brave as a young girl and her disabilities never stopped her. She grew up to inspire many people and she never gave up. Helen Keller was an important and inspiring person in US history. 


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