My explorer autobiography

For school I have been assigned an explorer project to do. I chose the explorer “Prince Henry The Navigator” to do my research and project on. We had to write in 1st person mode so I had to pretend I was Prince Henry.

My name is Prince Henry the Navigator and I was a Portuguese explorer that came from Porto, Portugal. I was the third son of King John 1 and I was born on March 4th, 1394 and died on November 13th, 1460. My full name is Henry Prince of Portugal, Duke of Viesu Lord of Covilha. My nickname is Henry the Navigator or Prince Henry the Navigator. I went on 3 voyages but sponsored 40 voyages and during those trips I got to explore many different places.

I am most famous for starting a navigation school in Portugal to help maybe future explorers learn all the tools and things needed to go on an exploration. Also I made a map of Africa with the help of my brother. Since I was a Prince I had enough money to help sponsor 40 trips so other explorers get the chance to explore the world. I was actually never a navigator though but the reason I have the word navigator in my name is because I organized many ocean voyages where some new lands were found. I am also the person who opened the “age of discovery”.  During my explorations I had some obstacles for example storms and violent winds that slowed me down a little.

I died when I was about 66 years old in Sages, Portugal. My mother was Philippa of Lancaster and my Father was John 1 of Portugal also known as the King. I also wanted to explore Africa but did not get to. But I did make a detailed map of Africa with the help of my brother. I started a navigation school to help young explorers learn the tools and items needed to go on an exploration. Overall the main thing I did was start a navigation school and made a map of Africa. I hope you enjoyed learning about me, Prince Henry.


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