Leap! Movie review part 4

I have watched an amazing movie recently called Leap! It is about a ballerina that goes after her dreams of dancing at a famous ballet studio is Paris. I think it tells you to never give up on your dreams because at the end the evil witch kind of learns her lesson.

Félicie gets taken back to her orphanage and is very sad sp for the next few days she is quiet and does not talk to anyone but 1 night she has the dream from when her mother was still alive and saying she should never give up on her dreams.

The next day she trains like she is in her class and her teacher is so amazed and impressed. That night he drives Félicie to the dance studio and Félicie sees her dance teacher/”mom” cleaning the stage. She then offers to help her clean and they both miss each other a lot. They then watch Camille practice her program and it does not go well. When they are done Camille and Félicie have a battle and that is when the song “Confident” by Demi lovato plays. At the end Félicie does and huge leap down a giant staircase and lands it! Her dance instructor asks each of them why they dance and Félicie tells the truth and since Camille said “I dance because my mom makes me” she decides to let Félicie dance in the nutcracker.

Later Félicie asks Victor if he wants to come and watch her dance. He says yes of course but then he collapses to the ground. She then realizes that it was the evil witch trying to hurt Félicie so she will not be able to dance. She tries to hurt her but then Félicie falls and is going to collapse to the ground. But then Victor saves her and takes her to the dance studio. She then dances and does a leap at the end just like she did down the huge staircase.

In my opinion this movie is such an amazing movie because it motivates you to never give up on your dream just like Félicie did.



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