Leap! Movie review Part 2

Recently I watched an amazing movie called Leap! Even though it came out in 2017 I watched it in 2020 and loved it so much. The movie is about a girl that wants to become a ballerina at a dance studio in Paris but there are some challenges this girl has to get through. This is a part 2.

On Félicie’s first day at the dance studio she first picks out her leotard and Pointe shoes. When she gets to her class she meets all the other girls and they tell her to warm up. Félicie does not mean what “warm up” means so she hugs herself like she is cold. Then when the teacher comes in Félicie is clueless and does not know a thing the teacher is talking about.

He announces that tomorrow he will have auditions to dance Clara in the nutcracker. He explains each day one person will be eliminated from the class. That night Félicie’s like “mother” helps her train at 5 o’clock in the morning. She makes Félicie jump and ring a bell without splashing water when coming back down. Félicie tries and tries but can’t do it. Then she sees a bird feather drop and not make a single splash. This makes Félicie inspired to just as light as a bird’s feather.

That day in class Félicie does her jumps very well and lands like all the other dancers do. She then trains harder and harder everyday so she can dance Clara in the nutcracker. One day Victor comes to visit Félicie where her “mother” lives. He takes Félicie out to a dancing and bar place and Félicie dances on tables and amazes everyone. But then she falls and sees her dance teacher staring at her. When Victor and Félicie go home Victor calls Félicie Camille which is the person she stole identity from. But then Camille’s mom is looking out the window and listing to their conversation.

The next day when Félicie heads to dance class there is Camille, her mother, and the dance teacher. They talk to Félicie and her “mother” They agree Camille will start dancing tomorrow at the studio but Félicie will still be able to dance there.

In my opinion this movie is a great one because it is about a girl who lost her whole family but she makes her dreams come true. This shows that Félicie can achieve anything she puts her mind to.


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