Leap! Movie Review Part 1

On Saturday 9-19-20 I watched a movie called Leap! It is about a girl becoming a ballerina but she has to go through some hard challenges to become a ballerina. After I watched Leap I really enjoyed it and kept watching it that same day. Now it is one of my favorite movies.

The main characters of the story are Félicie and Victor who have been growing up together in an orphanage located in France. The setting is in a Paris dance studio mostly.

Victor shows Félicie a picture of a famous dance studio in Paris and Félicie wants to become a dancer at the studio. Victor on the other hand wants to become a famous inventor. Victor came up with a plan so both of them can escape the orphanage. They then get caught by one of the “teachers” and they have to try to get onto the train that takes them to Paris.

When they arrive to Paris the next day they start to explore for a little but then Victor gets pushed by pigeons onto a boat. That leaves Félicie by herself trying to find the dance studio. She was looking all day but she finally found it. When she goes in to explore she gets caught while looking at a ballet dancer. The person who caught her thought she has trying to steal but then a kind woman tells him to get go of Félicie. Félicie wants to say Thank you to the woman but she turns out to not be as friendly as Félicie thought.

She ends up to be a cleaner at the studio and at an evil witch’s mansion. Félicie wants to help the woman clean because since she lived at a orphanage and had to clean a lot. The woman says “ok you can help me clean the stairs.” But it turns out there were so many stairs to clean. The Evil Witch tips over the bucket of water Félicie used to clean and blames Félicie for spilling the water. That is when Félicie hears the same ballet music she heard yesterday when looking at the ballet dancer. She peeks through a key hole and sees a dancer about her age warming up. Then Félicie knocked a pot over and accidently opens the door.

The girl turns out to be a girl named Camille and she is not very nice. She then throws Félicie’s little music box that her mother gave her out the window. It then breaks into tiny pieces and Félicie asks Victor if he can fix it. That is when a mail person has a letter that is supposed to be for Camille but Félicie takes it and pretends to be Camille. It was an invite to the Ballet studio that she saw yesterday but instead of giving the card to Camille she takes it and pretends to be Camille so she can dance at the studio.

In my opinion the movie leap so far is a very good movie because Félicie goes after her dreams and she never gives up. Even thought people sometimes bully her she does not listen to them she just ignores them and keeps going and training to achieve her dreams.


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