Covid19 Stay At Home. Monday, 4/6/20, Activities

8:30 =   Woke Up
8:35 =   Did Some School Work
9:10 =   Brushed Teeth and Got Changed
9:20 =   Ate Breakfast and Watched a Little TV
10:00 = More School Work
10:30 = Relaxed For a Little
11:15 = Played With My Marble Run
11:30 = Started Building My Mulan Lego
12:30 = Ate Lunch
1:30 =   Cleaned My Room
3:15 =   Relaxed and Ate Ice Cream
4:00 =   Rebuilt My Mulan Lego
5:30 =   Ate Dinner
6:00 =   Chatted With My Friend Ivy
7:00 =   Hanged out with my family
8:30 =   Took a Shower
8:45 =   Played a game, Ring Toss, with My Dad
9:30 =   Brushed Teeth
9:45 =   Went to Bed

Today was okay. I was bored at sometime of the day but I had fun playing with my sister and Dad.


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