Covid19 Stay At Home. Monday, 4/27/20, Activities

7:35 =   Woke up
7:45=     Got changed
7:50 =   School work 40 minutes =Language arts
8:30 =   Brushed my teeth
8:35 =   Ate breakfast
8:50 =   School work for 1 hour and 20 minutes =language arts and math
10:30 = Watched TV for 10 minutes
1:10 =   Cleaned my room
4:00 =   Relaxed
6:00 =   Painted a picture
6:30 =   Ate dinner
7:00 =   Relaxed
8:15 =   Took a shower
9:35 =   Brushed my teeth
9:40 =   Went to sleep

Today was OK. I cleaned my room a lot and it feels a lot better. I also got some school work done.


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