My Amazing first Trimester as a Fourth Grader

My first school trimester just ended and it was amazing. It was fun and educational. I am going to tell you about my first trimester.

My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Silva and my 2nd period teacher is Mr. Mangold. I think they are good teachers. On Wednesday we switch at 10:30 because we get out of school early. On regular days we switch at 11:40. In Mrs. Silva’s class she teaches us language arts, Social Studies, and writing. In Mr. Mangold’s class he teaches us math, science, and health.

In Mrs. Silva’s class we learned about the California regions and did a writing project and a picture of the regions with an explanation. We are now learning about the first people living in California and how they lived. We are also learning how to type correctly and also learning new vocabulary and spelling words. Every week we get a spelling and grammar packet and do it throughout the week.
My report card is pretty good in my opinion. I got lot of 3s, 4s, Os and Ss. My best skill is reading.
For our school’s Red Ribbon week, we made cute Lego figures with our faces on it. Also, there were crazy hair day, pajama day, wear red, and other fun activities. Also, on our Veteran’s day ceremony, we honored many veterans that served in the military. At the beginning of the year, my class got the most parents joining PTA for 4th, 5th and 6th grades, so we got a pizza party with chips, cookies, and pizza.

So far, we have gone to one trip to Rancho Los Cerritos. It was really fun and we learned a lot of history of the Ranch.

In  my opinion, my first trimester was very fun, but I wish I had better classmates that are not so rude.


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