Kylie Jean Series Books

I am going to share three Kylie Jean series books with you: Kylie Jean Soccer Queen, Kylie Jean Dancing Queen, and Kylie Jean Cupcake Queen.  I am going to compare the books and find out the similarities and differences between the three books.

I like the series of Kylie Jean. I like it because I like how something pops up in the story, but it is also very unexpected. In Kylie Jean Soccer Queen, the surprising thing is that Kylie Jean breaks her arm while playing soccer. In Kylie Jean Cupcake Queen, the surprising thing is that the Dog’s Palace is closing and at a random time Kylie Jean wants to have a yard sale. There is also Kylie Jean Dancing Queen and the surprising thing is that Kylie Jean gets involved into dancing all of a sudden.
Kylie Jean Soccer Queen is about Kylie’s mom taking her and Kylie’s cousin Lucy to a soccer game, and Kyle decides to learn soccer while Lucy does not want to learn soccer. Kylie goes to take soccer lessons and she met a new friend named Ann Sofia. They become friends and find that they are on the same team. Kylie Jean attends a soccer camp and on the first day, she breaks her arm  and has to go to the hospital.

The second book is Kylie Jean Dancing Queen. It is about Kylie going to a farm. She and Lucy make shirts out of chicken feathers. They dance in the feathers. The next day at school, her cousin Lucy tells Kylie that her dance teacher is going to have a dance show of Swan Lake. A few days later, Lucy says there is going to be tryouts to pick people to dance in Swan Lake because there is only a few people participating. Kylie goes to have dance class that night and practices super hard. Kylie wants to be picked to the princess for the dance. After the tryout, she finds that she is not the princess, but she gets picked to be a swan. In one of the practice sessions, the dance teacher comes in late and sad. She says the prince who does all the lifts broke his ankle and can not dance. Kylie asks her brother T. J. and he agrees only if she cleans his room. During the show, T.J. make no mistakes at all.

The last book, Kylie Jean Cupcake Queen is about Kylie going on a walk on one night and stopping by the Puppy Palace. The owner tells her that the Puppy Palace is closing because it does not have enough money to stay open. She tells her parents to have a garage sale and she will sell cupcakes so she will give the money to the Puppy Palace to stay open. She sells a lot of cupcakes to earn a lot of money. The next day, Mrs. Clarabelle , her neighbor invites them to a tea party with Lucy. Kylie tells Mrs. Clarabelle to go to the Puppy Palace with her to get a puppy.

The similarities among these books are that they have the same author which is Marci Peschke and the same illustrator, Tuesday Mourning. The second similar thing is that it has the same characters Kylie Jean, T.J. ugly brother, and others. Third similar thing is these books are fiction. And they are all about Kylie Jean’s stories.

In my opinion, Kylie Jean books are good because they are fun and teach you a lesson. I wish these books could be longer.


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