Odd squad part 2
I am going to tell you my favorite things in Odd Squad. I
chose these because they are interesting and cool.
My favorite agents are Ms. O, Agent Olive, Agent Otto, Agent
Olympia, and Agent Otis. I like Ms. O because she is the boss and she can be
super funny. I like Agent Olive because she is funny and hard working. I like
Agent Otto because he likes music and he is very energetic. In additional, he
is super funny, too. I like Agent Olympia because she is kind and she smiles a
lot. She is always happy in my opinion. I like Agent Otis because he dances well
and he is cool.
My favorite Villian is Tiny Dancer and Jelly Bean Joe. I
like Tiny Dancer because she is good at dancing and she does not cause much
harm. I like Jelly Bean Joe because he also does not cause too much harm.
I like all the episodes because they are all interesting and
fun to watch. Odd Squad was stated because they wanted to teach kids math but
to also make learning fun. Some examples of episodes are Who is Otis, Olive and
Ottos in Shumberland, Training Day, Oscar of All Trades/Swamps ‘N’ Gators, and
lots more.
These are some agent’s favorite things. Ms. O’s quotes are
“there you are”, “something very odd has happened”. Her favorite drink is
juice. Olive’s hobby is watching and playing sports. His favorite food is
everything but pie. Her partner is Otto,
and her quote is “Let’s go”. Otto’s quote is “Boom!” “Quote-a-lotta!” his
favorite food is pretty much everything (he loves food). Lastly, his hobby is
listening and dancing to soundtracks. The last agent I will talk about is Agent
Oscar. He works in the lab as a scientist. His quote is “Hey guys!” His hobby
is spending quality time with Oscar. If you have noticed, all the agents’ names
start with the letter O because it stands for Odd.
In my opinion, Odd Squad is helpful because it helps kids
with math, but I also learned other things, like water freezes at 32 degrees
and water boils at 212 degrees.
My only wish is that the episodes could be longer because I
like them so much. I would recommend for kids to watch Odd Squad so they can
learn more while having fun.
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