The Amazing Science Behind Rainbows

Have you wondered why and how rainbows form? I sure have! I did some research and I got a good explanation.

The 7 colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The way I remember it is by Roy G. Biv and each letter stands for 1 color in the rainbow. The sunlight we see contains the all 7 colors of lights, but we don’t usually see the colors until it rains or there is water in the air.
Rainbows are formed when white light or clear light shines through lots of water in the air according to an article. The light is bent and reflected like a reflection in a mirror, and it causes all the amazing and beautiful colors that we see. Rainbows usually appear after it rains, but it can happen whenever light is being bent inside of water droplets. Rainbows can also be seen in dew, fog, mist, or lots of water in the air.

The special thing about rainbows is that no 2 people can see the same exact thing, because it depends on how the light is being bent and reflected back to you and also because everyone sees different images. Someone who looks like they are standing right underneath it to you will be looking at it to you and see it far away.

A video said that the sky over the rainbow is darker than the sky under the rainbow.

In my opinion rainbows are one of the best things because it is fun to learn about and is pretty. I wish that rainbows can come out everyday not only when it rains because I think it is relaxing and dreamy to look at.
This is what I learned about why rainbows form and my favorite fact was that no one sees a rainbow ion the same way. Did you like that fact?


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