My last week of school

The week of 6-3-19 it was the last week of my school. During this week I did lots of activities that were so fun but also this week it was very sad.

In my third grade class, I had Ms. Ishida, my fabulous teacher for two years! My class went to Mayfair Park to watch a 6th grade Vs. staff softball game on Monday. The 6th grade vs. staff softball game is where 6th graders played against staff or teachers. The staff won the game.

On Tuesday, my class had a field day an end of year 3rd grade celebration. We chose three activities and we competed against other people and I got a 3rd place ribbon. The activities I chose were hula hoop, bean bag toss, long jump and water bucket challenge. I won 3rd place in the water bucket challenge. After field day, every person got a Popsicle and the flavor I got was strawberry. The end of year celebration was at Mayfair Park and we played on the playground. We played board games and made a bracelet. At the end of the 3rd grade celebration, we got more Popsicle which were huge and all orange.

We had an AR celebration on Wednesday. The AR celebration is when we take quizzes throughout the trimester, and the quizzes are based on a book we read. We have a goal of how many points we try to earn and each book is worth some points. I met my AR goal, so I attended the celebration. I got a purple bubble wand at the celebration. 

On the last day of school which is Thursday, my class and I played games such as Four Corners and a spelling game. We also had physical education or gym class. We received our report cards on the last day of school.

In my YMCA after school care, we also did tons of activities in the last week. We had a pizza party, YMCA camp fire, mess day, picnic day, watched two movies, water day and more. YMCA camp fire is where we did arts and crafts, lip sync battle and had a fake camp fire made of tissue paper. Mess day is where we made bubbles and slime. The two movies we watched were Alvin and the Chipmunks and cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Water day is when we get to play with water and use water guns, sponge bombs, and sponges and have a day of wetness and excitement.

I will miss school very much in the summer because it is so much fun learning new things and also doing crafts and games at school. My last week of school was fun and sad because I know I will miss school in the summer. I wish I could stay at school a little more to learn more and take more tests.


  1. Hi Yani! I'm glad you enjoyed the last week of third grade. The weather is so beautiful and I hope you are having a wonderful summer vacation. It's awesome you are blogging during the summer time!

    Ms. Ishida


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