My first week at FECC church summer program

It’s Summertime YAY! The week of 6-20-19 I went to FECC church summer program. Would you like to see how it went?

My teacher who teaches us fourth grade is named Ms.Zanida. The following are the activities we did with Ms.Zanida.

 On Monday Ms.Zanida told us about what we are going to be doing during the week and she told us our spelling words and we played a game where we had to find someone in our class and we had to ask them a question that was on the piece of paper our teacher gave us. The game helped us learn about our summer classmates.

On Tuesday we did a math packet with multiplication, word problems, area, and perimeter.

On Wednesday the whole camp went to golf in stuff and I will tell you about it later.

On Thursday we finished an English packet, and we also finshed the math packet.

On Friday, we had a spelling test and watched Mulan.

The thing I liked was that they provided lunch and two snacks for us. For lunch this week, they gave us noodles, rice, sloppy Joe, chicken nuggets, and pizza at Golf and Stuff. For snacks, they gave us crackers, muffins, croissants, graham crackers and leftover sloppy Joe from lunch. We had snack once in the morning and once in the afternoon. After morning snacks, we either finished what we were doing before snack or we researched about Indonesia.

My two friends from school, Chloe and Kate, go to the same summer camp as me. I also made some new friends, Saya, Kaya, Rosie, Emma, Brooklyn and Maggi.

The field trip to Golf and Stuff was super fun. We got to go on rides for two hour. We got to golf for two hours, and had 20 minutes to play at the arcade. The prizes I got from the arcade were two grape lollipops and two cherry Laffy Taffys.

Every day we got to go to the gym and do a fun activity with other teachers not with Ms.Zanida. On Monday we had dance. On Tuesday, we had science. We made lava lamps and learned water is heavier than oil. On Wednesday, we were on a field trip. On Thursday, we had a musical activity and learned a song and hand motions for Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti and Do. On Friday, we had summer fun games. We played dodge ball, Simon says and red light, green light. Also, every day expect Wednesday we had either Chinese or Spanish, and I took Chinese. The Chinese teacher gave us gummy worms and gummy bears on Monday and Friday. I was part of the group that did not know how to write Chinese, but I learned some words now. After afternoon snacks, I had chess or Lego class. I learned how to play chess and how to set up the board. We build Legos in Lego class. On Friday, a teacher comes and we do robotics.

This week has been a lot of fun and it taught me more than I thought they would. I liked that they provided lunch and a snack. I would recommend going to this summer program because you can learn a lot while also having fun.


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